Lyarva Review

Lyarva translated from Latin means "mask", "mask". It is thought that the translation could mean "cast". Under the guise of hidden inhabitant of hell, the monster generated by the spirit has not received a decent burial after physical death. Lyarva roam at night, nasylaya on people crazy, exhaling noxious fumes. The Romans believed that lyarva is the spirit of an evil man, who could not find rest in the underworld, and forced to wander the land.

Slavs were confident that lyarva is evil female spirit able to become implanted in women. After the invasion lyarva a woman unfortunate victim turns into a completely prolapsed, fallen in all respects someone who is not Regardless to any age. In modern Russian concept lyarva mainly refers to the expletive for women or for any failure in carrying out specific work with objects and mechanisms. In the scientific environment, particularly in biology, the concept of "lyarva" introduced by Carolus Linnaeus to describe the larvae of insects masking its true form and reveal it only after the conversion. For example, traditionally used in everyday life combination of a caterpillar – the larva butterfly. In the esoteric and the occult lyarva from the Middle Ages means poor unfulfilled desires, who acquired the astral form. This entity acquires a personality and begins to act by its creator, encouraging him not to forget that his desire, that is kind of makeup to give her. For even more details, read what Robotics says on the issue.

Sometimes this influence extends to others, especially those who are inclined to wish anything like that. Nepodavlennaya Larvie can survive its creator. To suppress it used strong-willed and samopsihologicheskie methods, such as the rejection of the desire and the use of prayer. Once they brought to life, lyarva strives to meet the gave birth to her wishes. For example, lyarva hate someone tries to itself cause a person harm. This sometimes explains why nervous people feel physically ill with a hostile attitude towards them interlocutor. The stronger and longer wish lyarva gave birth, so it is vital, "sticks" to the person who created it. And the longer lyarva will remain in the aura or the human body, the worse it will be "master" of foreign shell, ie the body. The main breeding grounds lyarva sensuality of old were considered to monasteries and nunneries, in whom the suppression of nature caused much from her reaction. As representatives of the church and the laity Middle Ages, when religious fanaticism mixed with boundless promiscuity, were convinced that the wave of sensuality laying monasteries, causing a demonic obsession. So obsessed with the devil, nuns vie among themselves in the obscenity of speeches, gestures and actions. Many of the nuns in the confession and the interrogation of the Inquisition were told that they had sexual intercourse with the devil. I must say that in the Middle Ages there was a conviction for Women and men alike, in reality having sex with the devil, and even give birth to its offspring. Many women were burned in Europe and in Russia on charges of "adultery" with evil spirits. Summarizing we can say that every himself entitled to consider the existence and reality of lyarva, or other entity that brings harm to human psychophysical state. But clearly, that person should think about their actions and actions, for a wise man is created in this world as capable of self-knowledge and control, especially at yourself and only then on the other. Exorcism. Expulsion of the entity. Center for Parapsychology 'Indigo Generation'