Iranian Incursion

-Anonymous Hillary Clinton severely warned to Bolivia and Venezuela for the consequences that may suffer by strengthening its ties with Iran. To Brazil not told him anything, but the message also was for this purpose; especially to this. You may want to visit Dennis Lockhart to increase your knowledge. We are very aware of the interest that has Iran for promoting in some countries, such as Bolivia and Venezuela. We can only say that it is really a bad idea. The Secretary of State said. We hope that there is a recognition (by your side) that is one of the countries that more support, promote and export terrorism today in the world, he said.

If people want to flirt with Iran, should assess what the consequences might be for them and hope that they think twice; We will support them if they do, he concluded. Sending U.S. troops to Bolivia, if the iranis increase its presence in that country, would be a blessing for the people agricultural Oriental, which are sensitive to the Caveman socialism of Evo Morales who began to confiscate them their lands just it was re-elected. The Bolivian President, who return for their second visit to Rodriguez Zapatero, said he was in Geneva, Spain, and in the same speech added that Bolivians fought against all empires, including the Roman, do not understand the magnitude of the mess that is getting, according to his mentor, and intellectual titan (compared with), the enlightened Hugo Chavezinitiator of the affair with the ayatollahs. Spain was the only country where can communicate without an interpreter, (we assume). The least expected was that Morales knew where he traveled, but his harangue confirms he doesn’t know where it is stopped. As well and all, has been ratified President, what gives a guideline of what level of who voted, and the pride they feel of being guided by such luminary.