Produto Interno Bruto

Result of the month of March for CorrentesA Transactions account of current transactions of the Brazilian Rocking of Payments registered in March US$ deficit 1,645 billion. The result finished above of the foreseen one for the Central banking (BC) for the period. Comparison with March of 2008Um year behind, the current account had been deficit in US$ 4,344 billion. Numbers of the first trimester of 2009Em the first trimester, the deficit was in US$ 5,020 billion, or 2.02% of Produto Interno Bruto (PIB). Comparison with the first trimester of 2008Aproximadamente the half of the negative result of equal period of 2008, US$ 10,260 billion (1.79% of the GIP). Numbers of the gathered of twelve mesesEm 12 months, the deficit in the current accounts were in US$ 22.951 billion, or 1.59% of the GIP, inferior to the gathered in the 12 months until February, when the negative result was of US$ 25,65 billion (1.72% of the GIP). Analysis of the numbers of maroTodos the pointers of the external accounts more are accomodated in 2009, when compared with the results of the beginning of 2008.

The remittances of profits and shares had reached US$ 1,755 billion in last March (fall of 50,6% on the US$ 4,345 billion March of the last year) and US$ foreign DefinioInvestimento direct (IED) is the investment made with lasting interest in companies who operate outside of the economy of the investor. Result of the month of March for Foreign Investment DiretoOs foreign investments right-handers had added liquid ingressions of US$ 1,4 billion. Comparison with March of 2008 less of the half of the registered value one year before,> when the sum was of US$ 3,083 billion. The liquid ingressions in participation in the capital of companies in the Country, enclosed the conversions in investments, had reached US$ 624 million, while the liquid outlays of intercompanhias loans had totalized US$ to 820 milhes' ' , it affirmed the Central banking in note.