
The children are displayed to this. 5-Signal in the customs: Beyond demonic musics the propagation of its signals in tattooings, piercings, etc. mark great part of youth, as they were said: These signals show that I belong to the malignant one. 6 – The increase of the vices of all species: alcoholism, games of chance, games of computers, violence in the TV, football fanatism, idolatria of famous people; corruption of the religious values; increase of the divorces; worship televising, cinematographic, etc. Never if saw in the history of the humanity a domain of the evil in so great ratio, either in the social medias, the governments, the industries, the commerce, in not governmental organizations, with rare exceptions; in the educational systems and the great ones conglomerated bank clerks and industrials. the end that this next one.

A malignant contamination in all exists the spheres of our existence with the purpose to destroy the workmanship of God, the man maximum. I conclude saying: 1-O world this of badly worse in part because of the lost values. Already years had been transferred 20-30-40. Time what more than enough ndigos to show its Service to them, since it is the majority of the children of the decade of 70-80. 2–To say that the service was not made because they possess trend the marginality is an excuse that does not make sensible. They would have all if depraved? It is what it seems, therefore the world shows a riot of behavior never seen.

The Program of TV. SUPER NANNY, confirms this. 3 – Not! The world will not have a New Age of Peace and Love, now. The Age of Aqurius. It swims indicates this. The reporters prove. It is hour to wake up not to cairmos in more deceits. The Age of Aquarium is before everything a time of Revelation, great Revelations.