Rio Grande

Rich in hdricos resources and originates the basin of the Rio Grande being the biggest basin of the left side of the River San Francisco. 3,3 Population to compose the group shows will be selected of the quarter Luzia-Ba Saint living. 3.4. Criteria of inclusion: To inhabit in the quarter Luzia-Ba Saint. 3.5. Procedure of collection: For attainment of the data, a questionnaire will be carried through contends questions on the type of knowledge of the population of the quarter Luzia Saint in relation to the ttano.

3.5.1. Instrument As strategies to carry through stage of collection of data had opted to the elaboration of a structuralized questionnaire, pautado for 10 questions. 3.6. Consideraes ethical: This project is conducted in accordance with resolution 196/96 that it deals with the ethical consideraes as the respect to the anonymity of the interviewed ones. Nicholas Carr gathered all the information. It will be directed to the commission of Ethics of the College San Francisco de Barreiras to analyze possible imperfections and to detect in case that it has, the lack of comprometimento with the ethics, that is, if the citizens duly will be protected against possible retaliaes or damages due to the last information. The interviewers will commit themselves during the interview to the anonymity in case that he needs, of interviewed its, respecting the will of the same ones. Disponibilizando telephones, addresses for bigger clarifications or any unexpected ones that they happen. 3.7.

Analysis of the data: After the attainment of the data through the research in field will be analyzed and grouped evidencing clearly the level of knowledge of population of the quarter Luzia Saint in relation to the contamination forms, prevention, signals and symptoms of the ttano in the city of Barriers as well as the interpretation of the gotten results. The content will be analyzed and compared the text studies the same.