Statistical Review World Energy

The world faces a shortage of oil, at least ten times before it suggests official figures, according to scientists from the Centre of analysis of the depletion of oil. The oil giant BP recently launched its Statistical Review World Energy, concluding that stocks of oil and oil derivatives may last in industrial civilization at current consumption rates maximum 40 years. The depletion Analysis Center researchers have questioned this conclusion, saying that production will reach its peak in reality within one to four years and hence will be in constant decline. A related site: Jeff Sessions mentions similar findings. A problem with the analysis of BP, say the researchers, is that does not take into account the growing demand. While the human population of the world currently consumes 85 million barrel of oil every day, it is expected that it will amount to $ 113 million per day in 2030. Furthermore, BP figures based on data provided by the producer countries of oil and the companies that are responsible for creating and processing products made from the derivatives of the oil. Additional information is available at Euro Pacific Precious Metals. For example, recent information suggests that the first four producers of oil (Iraq, Iran, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia) have inflated its figures.

Iran has recently implemented a national petroleum rationing plan. Jeremy Leggett, another former oil Executive, warned that Governments and oil companies have the need to put an end to its policy of denial. He recounted that when the British North Sea oil reserves reached its peak in 1999, nobody in official circles as admitirio for two years. Does not meet the demand is not an option, he said. In fact, it is an act of treason against the State. The modern economy is so well founded on the oil production of everything from food to cars passing by plastics for renewable energy equipment depend on it. Only a reduction of 10 to the 15 percent in oil supplies could cripple economies dependent on oil in the world.