Supreme Leader

In all religions of the world, there are the so-called sects which refers to those groups or communities that have been separated to ideologico-practico level of their respective traditional branches and which in some cases possess the characteristic of being potentially harmful or dangerous; they are negative diversifications that could pose misapplying the true meaning of various religions. Buddhism is no exception, we can find a conglomerate of sects/cults with Buddhist connotations where becomes a deviant or abusive use of the Dharma in personal benefit and/or condescension of the eccentricity of the leader (or leaders) in question. Some of the signs or signals leading to identify the sects/cults are: 1. the leader always has the reason and its claims are absolute and irrebuttable the leaders of cults in general are presented as great exponents who possess Supreme knowledge, and hence the maxim of the leader is always right, so fans are fully subject to the the leader approach. When they are questioned about their ordination they tend to be evasive or give vague responses with unknown or little clear meanings. This could make use of certain verses in specific (sutras, vinayas, etc.) to warrant thoughts or actions. With his mind made, feels with divine authority in instructing people on how they live and behave. Usually any questioning is considered a failure by other members and the leader, and may be punished as a way to coerce him. They misrepresent the sutras in way such lace to his interpretations, so much so that until the Sutra of the Kalamas (one that concerns the discern) can be manipulated, forces of repeat and emphasize the condition of apprentice of the Dharma followers, where given your level of ignorance must be subjugated to the teachings and practices of teacher before deciding if same. 2 The world conspires against them will make you believe that they are being attacked and intimidated by forces invisible, by people of authority and by those who are envious of their forms little Orthodox, as a way to protect from external criticism and create an environment of defensive union between members.