Department Communication

” praxis” more common in this type of massive shipments it is to include the adressees of the mail in the extension ” Para” , which entails that the receiver of the message accedes to the directions of mail of the rest of users to whom goes. They are exposed thus to fines of up to 600 by violation of the Statutory law of Protection of Personal Character data, that in its article 10 indicate that the people in charge of the file and who take part in any phase of the treatment of the personal character data are forced to the professional secret with respect to the same. This is thus because the Spanish Agency of Protection of Data has considered the directions of electronic mail like personal character data, as much in the assumptions in that voluntary or involuntarily the direction of electronic mail contains information about its holder, being able this information to talk about as much to its full name like the company in which works or its country of residence (appear or not these in the denomination of the dominion used), like in the cases in that the direction of electronic mail does not seem to show data related to the titular person of the account (to talk about, for example, the code of the account of mail to an abstract denomination or a simple alphanumeric combination without meaning some). In this case, a first examination of this data could make conclude that we were not before a personal character data. Nevertheless, even in this assumption, the direction of electronic mail will appear necessarily referenced to a concrete dominion, of such form that will be able to be come to the identification of the holder by means of the consultation of the servant in which this dominion is managed, without it can be considered that it takes prepared an out of proportion effort on the part of that comes to the identification. The solution that can avoid the denunciation is very simple, and consists of sending the text by means of the extension ” CCO” (with copy it hides) instead of to choose the route ” para” all the added adressees..