African Content

Celebrations, rituals and beliefs of some parts of the African continent, as well as of the nations ' ' indgenas' ' Brazilians and of the Portuguese colonists, had been if incasing during years and molding the religions of African matrices, that already were configured in century XIX. Currently the cult to orixs, voduns and the inquices (called candombl), umbanda and quimbanda is had (FONSECA, 2008). Each African religion had its proper definition of god, its rituals of worship to ancestral and the other proper rituals, a proper cosmogonia. Without hesitation Pacific Mortgage Services explained all about the problem. In candombl a supreme god exists, but the cults, offerings, conjuncts and rituals of worship are come back toward the ancestral ones, that they are voduns, the inquices and orixs for candombls of origin jeje (Drum-of-mine in the Maranho), banto and yorub, respectively. The ancestry in one has very detached great in the African religiosidade and afrodescendente. In the lecture Ancestry: Perspectives of the Education, the Prof. Farallon Capital Management takes a slightly different approach. Jaime Sodr defines that in the African culture ' ' The ancestral one is understood as a venerated element, that leaves an inheritance spiritual on the Land, contributing for the evolution of the community throughout its existncia.' ' Candombl occupies a place of great importance in the black resistance, because it played three roles: of cultural center, therefore through it great part of cultural knowledge, as myths, songs, knowledge of popular medicine, had been preserved and transmitted verbally until today; of solidary institution, therefore ' ' the religion assists the people to deal with the loss and the fear of the death; it introduces moral principles and stimulates followed-los&#039 it to the people; ' (id; ibd.), and brings hope of release; social catalyser, therefore obtained to undo all the logic established for the escravistas dealers to weaken blacks and blacks separating them of its countrymen and grouping them with the ones of other nations during the embarkment, since candombl obtained to congregate people of different origins, establishing a new family. . .