Specific Target Audience

It is no secret that the same information (color, text, visual object, etc.), men and women perceive differently. Just the perception of this information depends on the age category of human, social status, education and etc. When designing and creating your own website you need to take into account all the above criteria. First of all, you need to understand at what audience will be designed your portal (for example: male or female, teenagers or middle-aged, wealthy or not, etc). Let's start with the universal things. According to the scientists and psychologists, there are several shades, looking at that man in general as it flows into the light hypnotic trance: the most powerful influence like yellow and red. A fairly strong attractive property is possessed and rich tone of almost all in dark colors: purple, dark blue, dark brown, bluish-black, dark green, deep dark gold, purple and mauve.

But there are differences in perception of color men and women. For example, men prefer the following colors (at first): green, blue, red, white, yellow, black, while women – blue, green, white, red, yellow, black You must distinguish between the effect of visual objects and text information on the representatives of different sexes. More men draws an image of beautiful women and different techniques. In the description of goods and services for men should be included more technical and specific characteristics. The women stopped their views on images of children and flowers. For a description of the goods and services intended female audience, do not abuse the technical terms. Women are more willing to accept terms such as – more comfortable, more practical, less costly, etc.

If we talk about age groups, there also exist some differences in the perception of colors and objects. So, according to psychologists, the audience of 15 to 22 years is well perceived bright colors, while both are the same color ottalknut older people. When creating a site, calculated for a younger audience, it is advisable to use animation and musical inserts. For visitors older desirable to use static images. And finally I want to say that every major firm to create sites, you will definitely develop the design, taking into account the involvement of target audience