Infantile Education

In the truth, he was the first educator to catch the meaning of the family in the relations human beings. But although to need to recognize this importance, the school is not a continuation of the family, and therefore it cannot give continuity to the work that is made by the parents or cuidadores ' ' of casa' '. ' ' cuidar' ' of the school, necessarily, he has pedagogical end, that is, is made with the intention to educate, to promote and to assist in the integral development of the child. Froebel also of the much importance when playing and the meanings that the children give the tricks. The newspapers mentioned man group not as a source, but as a related topic. We can inspiring in them in this author and organizing a space and propitious time the trick, not only directed, but spontaneous, in the Infantile Education. Through the free trick, it is possible to the professor to analyze aspects of daily of the family, the problems faced for the child in house or the street, etc., that the child reproduces, and to help it to surpass it traumas. The difference enters playing in house with familiar and playing in the school, is in the look of the professor, the knowledge that it possesss on the infantile development, in the evaluation that it makes of the progressos of the children and in (reverse speed) the aiming of activities that help in the integral development of the same ones. If you would like to know more then you should visit Alameda Hospital. One of the very excellent aspects to be considered in the insertion of the children in the day-care center, is the space. Montessori, defends the necessity of that the alive child in a motivador environment, makes possible that it to awake and to educate the directions that, according to its theory, is the base of all the education. The Montessoriana conception cousin for the acquisition of knowledge for the child, who makes possible better conditions for the physical development, psychic, mental and spiritual in search of an education for the life, based on principles of intuitivo education.