Jean Piaget

Word-Key: Psicomotricidade. Psicomotora education. Learning. INTRODUCTION the study on ' ' the contribution of the psicomotricidade for the learning in a group of 1 year of education fundamental' ' one becomes excellent, therefore, it demystifies the conception that considers the excellent psicomotricidade only in the infantile education. To the scientific point of view, one is about a qualitative research, that he searchs to articulate what the authors say who approach thematic and the data collected during the field research, presenting since way, a new to look at and new knowledge on the subject in question, being pointed ways so that other research is developed in the area. The knowledge concerning the thematic one is presented as basic for the professor whom it intends to teach to its pupils considering its development globally. This study it presents two main topics: the first one, ' ' understanding psicomotricidade' ' , it presents the definition and the contribution for the studies psicomotores of authors Henry Wallon, Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky. As, it reflects on ' ' what the nervous system has to see with the psicomotricidade? ' ' ' ' abilities psicomotoras' '.

To understand what it is the psicomotricidade it was used as main references: Mello (2002), Oliveira (2000) and Fonseca (2005). The studies on ' ' developing the psicomotora education in escola' ' that it searchs to explicitar the nervous system, the psicomotoras abilities and the ludicidade was based in the following authors: Relvas (2005), Almeida (2003), Mello (2002), Son (2001), Oliveira (2000) and Of Meur (1991). The worked metodolgicos procedures had been: field research and the bibliographical research. The techniques of collection of used data had been the participant comment and the questionnaire. For the analysis of the collected data, it was used technique of analysis of the speech. The participant citizens had been the 30 pupils and the observed teacher of the group during the field research.