
How to measure the level of excitacinToma something of time to learn to read the signs but after recognizing them is easy and it you can use to complement the four and to show when you are gaining the control. Basically: accelerated breathing, cannot sostenerte the glance to the eyes, nervous smile, plays with the hair, changes the form to walk, gives taps you, is ***reflxed mng by insignificant things. Just by those signs you can recognize that it is beginning to be excited about you taking the control, by all means more plus signs power you have, and a phrase like: Why you cannot see me the eyes? or to recognize any other sign in front of her will demonstrate that you are reading it as an open book. These five advice are something basic will be used that you for divertirte in the appointments, but you want to know techniques more elaborated or if you need to overcome greater problems you must review the connection fast Seduction facily and conquers the woman who you want. Also I invite to you to visit my blog with recommendations on conquest and seduction in different aspects related to the appointments and the handling from your image: like conquering a girl.

African Content

Celebrations, rituals and beliefs of some parts of the African continent, as well as of the nations ' ' indgenas' ' Brazilians and of the Portuguese colonists, had been if incasing during years and molding the religions of African matrices, that already were configured in century XIX. Currently the cult to orixs, voduns and the inquices (called candombl), umbanda and quimbanda is had (FONSECA, 2008). Each African religion had its proper definition of god, its rituals of worship to ancestral and the other proper rituals, a proper cosmogonia. Without hesitation Pacific Mortgage Services explained all about the problem. In candombl a supreme god exists, but the cults, offerings, conjuncts and rituals of worship are come back toward the ancestral ones, that they are voduns, the inquices and orixs for candombls of origin jeje (Drum-of-mine in the Maranho), banto and yorub, respectively. The ancestry in one has very detached great in the African religiosidade and afrodescendente. In the lecture Ancestry: Perspectives of the Education, the Prof. Farallon Capital Management takes a slightly different approach. Jaime Sodr defines that in the African culture ' ' The ancestral one is understood as a venerated element, that leaves an inheritance spiritual on the Land, contributing for the evolution of the community throughout its existncia.' ' Candombl occupies a place of great importance in the black resistance, because it played three roles: of cultural center, therefore through it great part of cultural knowledge, as myths, songs, knowledge of popular medicine, had been preserved and transmitted verbally until today; of solidary institution, therefore ' ' the religion assists the people to deal with the loss and the fear of the death; it introduces moral principles and stimulates followed-los&#039 it to the people; ' (id; ibd.), and brings hope of release; social catalyser, therefore obtained to undo all the logic established for the escravistas dealers to weaken blacks and blacks separating them of its countrymen and grouping them with the ones of other nations during the embarkment, since candombl obtained to congregate people of different origins, establishing a new family. . .

Mental Retardation

The individuals with mental retardation present an inferior intellectual development to normal and the difficulties of learning and social adaptation. Approximately 3% of the world-wide population present mental retardation. Second, PEACE (2002, P.23), ' ' We can consider the learning problem as a symptom, the direction of that not-learning does not configure a permanent picture, but enters a peculiar constellation of behaviors, in which if it detaches as signal of descompensao' '. Some authors who if dedicate to this subject use the terms problems or riots in indiscriminate way. Therefore to establish clearly the limits that separate to problems of learning of the calls learning riots is a task very complicated, that this subject also comes to be revealed by some specialists of some areas the professor, pedagogo, psicopedagogo, the fonoaudilogo and the psychologist. Intelligence is determined in such a way by the hereditary succession how much for the environment. In the majority of the cases of mental retardation, the cause is unknown.

However, some conditions during a gestation can cause or contribute for the mental retardation of the child. The common causes include the use of certain drugs, the extreme alcohol consumption, the x-ray, me the nutrition and certain infections you capsize (for former: rubola). Chromosomic anomalies (Syndrome of Down) are common causes of mental retardation. Diverse hereditary riots also can cause it. Some (p.ex., fenilcetonria and cretinismo, which had the tireoidiano hormone concentration low, can be corrected before the mental retardation occurs. The difficulties associates to the premature childbirth, the trauma skull-enceflico or the concentration very low of oxygen during the childbirth also can cause mental retardation. An occurred time the mental retardation, it is generally irreversible. The precocious diagnosis of the mental retardation becomes possible the therapeutical education and the planning in long stated period. Inferior intelligence to the normal one can be identified and be quantified through tests intelligence standard.

Nelson Pear

Still in the contour of the citation above, we can go more beyond, therefore to perceive sciences human beings as integrant part of the relations and social conflicts, is to understand it as institution of being able, to know, inclusion and exclusion of you speak of speeches that inside become visible dizvel and of a privilege position until the last ones of century XX, what it is region they constitute what it so while, either cultural, economic, geographic, ethnic, linguistic politics, and etc. That is, are as if sciences human beings were in a supralunar position, but in the perspective of the symbolic power it dislocates a position to sublunar, epistemologia soon dismissed of the place of truth, constructed essencialismo and naturalismo since the catersianismo of century XVII, passing for the positivismo of century XIX, until arriving at century XX where it passes for deep transformations as we observe in the citation. This brief contextualizao if makes necessary not to commit the frightful anacronismo to want to charge of the past what it is not of right, that is, to charge during the analysis of our article certain theoretical or metodolgicos positionings of the production of Nelson Pear tree. First because one is about a director and cineasta, that it has a language and different looks of one () historian (). Second, because its social place are one, of the decade of 1960, and ours that to be to analyze it with the historian look () are another one, context 2009. But exactly taking in consideration these two comments importantssimas, we believe that we break to it of the gift while historians (), to the one considering in them to analyze ' ' Secas&#039 lives; ' while such, we will take its text as ' ' document monumento' ' that it is and it must be reconfigured and be reread under it you saw of the current boardings of the gift of who if to make use when reading.

The Dreams

The dreams are configured as methods of discharges thoughts, that are sublimados so that of this form they do not affect our imaginary one directly, therefore many dreams are seen as illogical nonsenses and to the first sight, even so either total the opposite. For even more opinions, read materials from Fosun Group. The material of the dreams possesss basic psychological content for the study of the mind. As in &#039 says Freud to them; ' The dream possesss one sentido' '. (FREUD apud ESTEVAM, 1995, P. 47). To analyze the dreams they are essential that if it does not only direct the attention to the manifest contents, but mainly in the latent contents of the dreams, therefore is there that meets its true meaning. ' ' The manifest content is, thus, a species of translation summarized of the latent content; a trailer of one has filmed of long-metragem' ' (FORRESTER, 2009, p.12).

Recent events (diurne residues, transferenciais elements) if bind the souvenirs of the past, also ' ' fancies or souvenirs encobridoras' ' temporary? or, who knows, more permanent. (FORRESTER, 2009, P. 79) Therefore, to give attention to the dreams and to its meanings is at the same time to give attention to the mental contents that had been stressed and sublimados of the conscience for the action of our ego and superego, therefore is in the dreams that our primitive and instinctive desires (id) find outflow to conquer its place to the sun. When speaking of dream, we are in relating to the term ' ' dream manifesto' ' , that it is when the individual makes the story of what it lived deeply inside of the dream, then after to have waked up, that is, it is the act to remember. When we relate in them what the dream brings, its meaning, say that this act is specified as ' ' latent content of sonho' '.

Graciliano Branches

The literary composition of Graciliano Branches published in 1938 is reconfigured by Nelson Pear tree in 1963, and serves of an excellent example in perceiving as the look on the Northeast and its landscape a values accumulation of and custom, conception politics and place of citizen are processed for, intersubjetivados in the referring productions to the Northeast since the end of century XIX, as we saw in the book ‘ ‘ Northeast invention ‘ ‘ of Durval de Muniz, that is a historian brought up to date with the historiogrficas proposals of its time, that starts to think the region in such a way how much the landscape idea as social places of conflict and disputes. The space does not preexist to a society incarnates that it. It is through the practical ones that these clippings remain or move of identity, that gives place to the difference; it is in them that the totalities if fracionam, that the parts always do not reveal since engaged with all, being estetodo an invention from these fragmentos, in which heterogeneous and the discontinous one appears as homogeneous and continuous, where the space is a picture defined for some flicks. (MUNIZ, 1999. P. 25) How much to the third and last point being problematizado, the cinematographic production and its relation with the regional identity, we can come back the original citation, where the symbolic power starts to desconstruir speeches of before unquestioned places. Literature, music as we saw in seminary carried through in the room, myth twine, photo, constructions politicians, religious, artistic and etc are part of the teia of meanings that componhe in such a way the regionalistic speech how much the reinforcement of slight knowledge of referring identities to the Northeast, the proper cinematographic production as we perceive in ‘ ‘ Secas’ lives; ‘ , it is part of this teia of meanings that sends the region as space that loads in itself, an indivisible radical of essence.

Mystery Shopping

In general there are three major methods of application on the mysterious buyer tool. As an incentive for the improvement of the behavior of the staff as a tool to evaluate the knowledge of the product and the service offered as a tool of policy, for example, towards foreign companies strategy. The mysterious purchase can be done by mystery shoppers profesionales-nuestros observadores-pero also by your own clients and staff. The advantage of deploying multiple types of mystery shoppers is that it will allow you to acquire a broad view of its points of sale and your organization. Depending on the specific requirements of your study, we will decide next to you what kind of mysterious purchaser suits you most. A more specific analysis on the relevance, scope of this technique, does them not specifically, noting that in a market as competitive excellence in products and services plays a decisive importance. Hence the importance of investigating what consumers think. Put in the shoes of the consumers of our product or service is vital to understand more and better, way to perceive each of the components which form the total. source.

What do they think of the price? The packaging is good? do you know how to use it? Are they well attended? The competition uses the same weapons? Just add, that competitive intelligence gives concrete answers using techniques such as Mystery Shopping (mysterious buyer, buyer incognito, phantom buyer..) This technique has many applications:-knowledge of the actual quality of products and services perceived by the final consumer improvement and design products and services – study in detail of the competition – actual operation of equipment and systems for sale. Companies that routinely use this technique:-Sector services such as hotels, restaurants, services and mobile phone companies, airlines,… -Sector distribution chains of supermarkets and hypermarkets, stations of service, dealers of automobiles, car hire – banking services banks, insurance companies, credit cards, – external service companies of temporary work agencies, call centers, care telematics,…


Do not give account that those images are retouched and which is almost impossible to move closer to that perfection because even them? do resemble them when you despojas them all face and body, make-up apartas of the magic of photography (and programmes) sets such as Photoshop and expose them to the light natural, the most real and ruthless that exists? And that’s not all. Parallel to this paraphernalia sell us all kinds of junk food, while practically force us to close our eyes to them and swallow us a series of products low in calories (who know how to beam) because they are healthier. It really is a true psychological torture. All these models (and actresses, singers, presenters of TV, in short, all those which have a public role in some way) they kill hunger to keep a slender figure, and of what worth this if the vast majority of them are mentally disturbed without even realizing it? They suffer from what can not eat. They survive to eke out with an Apple or a juice a day.

No wonder that in their world there are so many anorexic and bulimicas if the universe of fashion (and the market) almost forces them to falling into that. The worst thing about this whole situation is its negative influence on society. There are million adolescents and young people who want to look like their idols, fall into these psychological gaps of which is very difficult to escape. It seems that instead of selling us one or another appliance or such or more which diet sell us eating disorders. And they want all these bloggers that the only thing that is written for latinos is about this! With so many things on which we must write! In this computerized world of today where human relationships are lost each time and personal contact is maintained through a machine is more important to talk about it (and Yes, I talk, not coldly discuss a topic X), try to influence people’s lives for so to enriquecer them, not make them feel increasingly miserable and unhappy with his own body.

Above all the women we have very hard. They require us to youth and beauty, and really keep a race against the clock to combat physical deterioration than by another part is inevitable. Bombard us everywhere: Yes the wrinkles, yes the freshness of the skin, yes cellulite or fat in the butt. Nothing, that everything is a great plot to keep us buying the product out to market and at the same time make us feel guilty for falling into the temptation of eating a bar of chocolate, an ice cream or a yogurt. For all this I refuse to write about these topics. I refuse to torturing other women who, as I should feel in peace with their bodies and thank the fact be alive living every second of its existence to fullness as if it were the last (and I’m not saying that I will be completely. I also fall victim occasionally this terrible social exploitation machinery). The only real truth is that today we live, tomorrow, tomorrow who knows?

Vegetarian Thoughts

Looked different to my circle of friends interested in the rarer these issues and to decline to eat meat dishes. I realized that the masses are characterized by doing the same, at the same time and in an automated fashion. Breaking with a common social practice such as giving up meat makes us different and diverted to the general public opinion. My reason for me to crash and vegetarian comes complete understanding of a process that had never seen and was hidden while burning flesh. I speak of the process of bringing the animal to the slaughterhouse before exposing in refrigerators or refrigerators in supermarkets in trays decorated with vegetables. To even get to the cynicism of serving a full pig on the table and Adonara with an apple in his mouth.

Trophies do not hang on the wall, but in our tables. I discovered this stage of horror with frightening videos of animal slaughter on farms and slaughterhouses, with photos and news over l animal cruelty and other atrocities. a After seeing this reality, my whole world of culinary pleasure fell to achieve deeper void reconcile how the company had allowed a hunting and cruelty only to justify our food and taste. And where were the orchards, fruit, vegetables, grains and vegetables? Was not this enough to supply our hunger, food, pleasure or diet? A history of centuries elapsed since the caveman cromagnoncomiendose raw leg just to change the same leg by a cooked dressed in different flavors? Not so many centuries to achieve change and not be able to leave an undue attachment to eat meat. Excuses like "animal protein is necessary in the diet, it's their wonderful flavor, is that animals have been created to supply our bellies" never go missing.

Feng Shui Gifts

Every day for a year until March 8, men at work congratulated his colleagues – the fairer sex with the upcoming International Women's Day, muchivshis long before that in choosing a gift, and, repeatedly, asking each other the question: 'What shall we give? ". Yes, so that all at once, and all were satisfied. Sound familiar, does not it? A bouquet of flowers – excellent, but what? Box of chocolates – it was a year ago, a set of shampoo, shower gel and other things – gave two years ago. No, all This is good, but I want something to surprise and please. Perhaps the solution lies in buying what some of the original gift, it can be: flying cows (no hints), ceramic figurines, symbols of Feng Shui (women This is particularly fond of), a set of aromatherapy, finally, exclusive hand-made souvenirs. There are now many online stores that offer a variety of souvenirs wholesale, small wholesale and on the eve of the holiday – this is what we need! The main thing when choosing a gift to his colleague on March 8, to move away from traditional stereotypes, and then, believe me, the ladies will be just in seventh heaven (the seventh of March) from the manifestations of attention to them. Especially, buy now gifts in bulk, as already mentioned, the Internet does not make any difficulty. All you need to do – is to visit the store, select your favorite gifts from the catalog with photos and specify a shipping address and payment option. In our time, in the 21 st century, no longer need somewhere to run for the gifts, seek that it is not clear that, finally, to buy wholesale chocolates '' in hypermarkets. We hope this article helps all men who could not be determined with the choice of gift to March 8, his keeper of the working chamber. After all, it is quite easy, but damn nice!