Nelson Pear

Still in the contour of the citation above, we can go more beyond, therefore to perceive sciences human beings as integrant part of the relations and social conflicts, is to understand it as institution of being able, to know, inclusion and exclusion of you speak of speeches that inside become visible dizvel and of a privilege position until the last ones of century XX, what it is region they constitute what it so while, either cultural, economic, geographic, ethnic, linguistic politics, and etc. That is, are as if sciences human beings were in a supralunar position, but in the perspective of the symbolic power it dislocates a position to sublunar, epistemologia soon dismissed of the place of truth, constructed essencialismo and naturalismo since the catersianismo of century XVII, passing for the positivismo of century XIX, until arriving at century XX where it passes for deep transformations as we observe in the citation. This brief contextualizao if makes necessary not to commit the frightful anacronismo to want to charge of the past what it is not of right, that is, to charge during the analysis of our article certain theoretical or metodolgicos positionings of the production of Nelson Pear tree. First because one is about a director and cineasta, that it has a language and different looks of one () historian (). Second, because its social place are one, of the decade of 1960, and ours that to be to analyze it with the historian look () are another one, context 2009. But exactly taking in consideration these two comments importantssimas, we believe that we break to it of the gift while historians (), to the one considering in them to analyze ' ' Secas&#039 lives; ' while such, we will take its text as ' ' document monumento' ' that it is and it must be reconfigured and be reread under it you saw of the current boardings of the gift of who if to make use when reading.