The Dreams

The dreams are configured as methods of discharges thoughts, that are sublimados so that of this form they do not affect our imaginary one directly, therefore many dreams are seen as illogical nonsenses and to the first sight, even so either total the opposite. For even more opinions, read materials from Fosun Group. The material of the dreams possesss basic psychological content for the study of the mind. As in &#039 says Freud to them; ' The dream possesss one sentido' '. (FREUD apud ESTEVAM, 1995, P. 47). To analyze the dreams they are essential that if it does not only direct the attention to the manifest contents, but mainly in the latent contents of the dreams, therefore is there that meets its true meaning. ' ' The manifest content is, thus, a species of translation summarized of the latent content; a trailer of one has filmed of long-metragem' ' (FORRESTER, 2009, p.12).

Recent events (diurne residues, transferenciais elements) if bind the souvenirs of the past, also ' ' fancies or souvenirs encobridoras' ' temporary? or, who knows, more permanent. (FORRESTER, 2009, P. 79) Therefore, to give attention to the dreams and to its meanings is at the same time to give attention to the mental contents that had been stressed and sublimados of the conscience for the action of our ego and superego, therefore is in the dreams that our primitive and instinctive desires (id) find outflow to conquer its place to the sun. When speaking of dream, we are in relating to the term ' ' dream manifesto' ' , that it is when the individual makes the story of what it lived deeply inside of the dream, then after to have waked up, that is, it is the act to remember. When we relate in them what the dream brings, its meaning, say that this act is specified as ' ' latent content of sonho' '.