The Dreams

The dreams are configured as methods of discharges thoughts, that are sublimados so that of this form they do not affect our imaginary one directly, therefore many dreams are seen as illogical nonsenses and to the first sight, even so either total the opposite. For even more opinions, read materials from Fosun Group. The material of the dreams possesss basic psychological content for the study of the mind. As in &#039 says Freud to them; ' The dream possesss one sentido' '. (FREUD apud ESTEVAM, 1995, P. 47). To analyze the dreams they are essential that if it does not only direct the attention to the manifest contents, but mainly in the latent contents of the dreams, therefore is there that meets its true meaning. ' ' The manifest content is, thus, a species of translation summarized of the latent content; a trailer of one has filmed of long-metragem' ' (FORRESTER, 2009, p.12).

Recent events (diurne residues, transferenciais elements) if bind the souvenirs of the past, also ' ' fancies or souvenirs encobridoras' ' temporary? or, who knows, more permanent. (FORRESTER, 2009, P. 79) Therefore, to give attention to the dreams and to its meanings is at the same time to give attention to the mental contents that had been stressed and sublimados of the conscience for the action of our ego and superego, therefore is in the dreams that our primitive and instinctive desires (id) find outflow to conquer its place to the sun. When speaking of dream, we are in relating to the term ' ' dream manifesto' ' , that it is when the individual makes the story of what it lived deeply inside of the dream, then after to have waked up, that is, it is the act to remember. When we relate in them what the dream brings, its meaning, say that this act is specified as ' ' latent content of sonho' '.

Series Meeting

When difficulties in the learning exist, the causes must in such a way be searched in the school how much in the family, if not limiting to the mental examination of the child. Fairstead affordable housing takes a slightly different approach. The importance of the child inside of the family is recent and comes suffering great changes that influence negative in its development, making to appear new difficulties that the alone parents are not obtaining to give account. In the attempt to make right, to the times, the parents assume a position moved for destructive intentions, if to bother with what it carries through in the school and with the pupil, what involves the acts, the behavior, the habits and the proper relation. This concern goes to propitiate an internal change in the pupil. The loving attitude goes to give more work, but she will be deeply more constructive. In the measure where educating will be received and collated RIO DE JANEIRO, 2003. FREIRE, P.

Holotropic Breathwork

The main elements of the method Holotropic respiration are: a deep and rapid breathing, motivating music for holotropa and help in the release of energy through the work with the body. The seminar Holotropic breathing mind altering effects of breathing combined with a motivating music for holotropa. Like breathing, listening to holotropa and other types of audio technology for millennia been used as powerful components of the ritual and spiritual practices. To use music to holotropa as a catalyst for deep and work experiences necessary to learn a new way to listen to music – such that our culture is alien. In the West, music is often used as a background sound, which almost does not bear the emotional burden. Home Depot is often quoted on this topic. As typical examples include the use of popular music at receptions or nabivshey nauseam original or popular music in shops, stores and workplaces sites. For the more discerning listeners characterized completely different approach – a disciplined and intellectualize listening to music in concert halls. Typical for rock concerts dynamic and spontaneous how to use the music much closer to its use in the method of Holotropic Breathwork.

Nevertheless, all the attention of such events is usually directed outward, and the experience lacks the most important component, which so essential in a seminar Holotropic breathing and – long directed inward. Holotropic Breathwork workshop can be conducted both individually and in groups where members exchange roles holonavtov and sitters. Holotropic Breathwork method shows that the healing process is often incomprehensible to the level of our common sense and theoretical concepts drawn from a variety of psychotherapeutic and psychological schools.

Workshop Light

– Corporal, cell negative programs are not recognized by the person as we do not know how we breathe, the beating of our hearts: it takes place outside of our consciousness. In this the whole complexity: they are doing to our lives, create a negative, but we do not understand how this is done, because we do not feel the source of the creation of a negative. Workshop on the four courses of the Creator: 1. Course Revival, 2., 3. Transformation, 4.

Workshop of the Creator we are engaged in the release of negative programs: first at the level of the mind, then at the level of the mind and body simultaneously. On the new course, or rather we do Workshop Light relief from negative programs exclusively at the level of body cells, because it is there is a genuine source of creation of a negative. Like everything in the world requires perseverance, and to work with the cells should start passing the previous four courses. Getting Started with the cells of the body, we find the paradoxical thing: that the consciousness of the brain (mind) and the consciousness of the cells are different. Consciousness of the brain is plastic, pliable, you can negotiate with him, to find a compromise to make alliances and so on, as a man. Consciousness of the body is biological, extremely conservative. This is understandable because the cells of the task – to support life. Simply put, our head of his mind, the body has its own.