Workshop Light

– Corporal, cell negative programs are not recognized by the person as we do not know how we breathe, the beating of our hearts: it takes place outside of our consciousness. In this the whole complexity: they are doing to our lives, create a negative, but we do not understand how this is done, because we do not feel the source of the creation of a negative. Workshop on the four courses of the Creator: 1. Course Revival, 2., 3. Transformation, 4.

Workshop of the Creator we are engaged in the release of negative programs: first at the level of the mind, then at the level of the mind and body simultaneously. On the new course, or rather we do Workshop Light relief from negative programs exclusively at the level of body cells, because it is there is a genuine source of creation of a negative. Like everything in the world requires perseverance, and to work with the cells should start passing the previous four courses. Getting Started with the cells of the body, we find the paradoxical thing: that the consciousness of the brain (mind) and the consciousness of the cells are different. Consciousness of the brain is plastic, pliable, you can negotiate with him, to find a compromise to make alliances and so on, as a man. Consciousness of the body is biological, extremely conservative. This is understandable because the cells of the task – to support life. Simply put, our head of his mind, the body has its own.