Field Marketing

These actions allow us to establish a relationship with our customers in a relaxed and environment more relaxed outside the formality and rigidity of the Office and the firm itself. This facilitates a closer on a personal level. Our business is based on trust and that is why this approach is very positive. On the other hand, thanks to the innovative ideas of Aplus, we have managed to attract this target market of potential customers who are not usually put to the phone. Cesar Serrano, Director of Marketing and communication DTZ as in the past the technique of Marketing professionals have incorporated into our vocabulary and daily practice concepts as BELOW THE LINE / BTL or ABOVE LINE / ATL to refer to policies for approaching the market depending on the public final and the medium used, the term FIELD MARKETING I am convinced that will be spreading to again become a widely known and used resource.

The engine of this change will no doubt increase the pressure on the positioning strategies for to fully customize the last stretch of the relationship with our potential customer. angel M. Urtiaga Rubio, Director of Marketing and development of Partners Avanzit technology group Avanzit Field marketing is still key for businesses but you can use new tools (Internet, blogs) or tactical (smart panels) which can be or appear with a better ROI or that allow Entrepreneurs to launch a business with little investment. But, to work a brand, it is very important to have clear and well-defined strategy and rather when depends very much on the marketing field!. Hide behind the Internet, does not work. Field marketing is key. Marie Claire Pfeifer, CEO Giga Trust Spain Las NGOs that we work with every day are a helpful tool in Field Marketing to publicize our activity to a public heterogeneous but willing to get involved if you see that the cause is just.

This communication is face to face fundamental to reach with your message and involving the public in your fight. Field Marketing is our great ally at short distances. Antonio Gonzalez, Medical Director of the is world alternative, tool capable of eliminating the advantage that, until today, had large companies when communicating their products. Now, any company, regardless of its economic potential, can access this extraordinary instrument that enables interactivity, creativity and personal communication actions, direct and able to promote the necessary complicity between all product/brand with your target audience. That is why salute with joy this new formula: imagination + proximity = guaranteed success. Gerardo Gonzalez Otero, CEO of G2O PUBLISPORT Field Marketing has made products that promotes be perceived otherwise, humanizing them and associating them with activities that potential customers they perceive as their own. EST Aplus is a Field Marketing agency focused to meet the needs of communication and image and your company’s sales. Formed by a team of young highly qualified, based on the customization of each company and each customer. Our goal is to make us partakers of Field Marketing as a tool of communication which is responsible for transmitting the messages of marks face to face, i.e., through people, to consumers at the point of sale.