Roman Catholic Church

There is much talk today of the celibate priesthood of Priestly Celibacy. Jeff Flake takes a slightly different approach. The Roman Catholic Church is the only practice that requires its ministers, aser celibate priests, under the excuse that it is better that way, so they can pursue only the things of God. However, there is a commandment of God or an unavoidable obligation for followers of Jesus Christ, nor when he was walking among us, not now, according to the Scriptures. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Messiah, when he was among us, chose his disciples knew who they were, chose not celibate men who practiced celibacy. Eligio married men with wife, as to Peter, whose mother the same cure. If Pedro chosen by Jesus Christ and was elected his successor, the first pope in the history of Christianity, was married, had wife Why then centuries later, the Roman Church, decides that all the priests, the equivalent of Christ's apostles today should be celibate, not having a wife? Why is the force that keeps order based on precepts of men, but not God in the Church?, despite the horrors that have shaped thousands of Catholic priests, including sexual abuse of children, nuns, throughout history? Consider: In Ireland ….

Priests beat and raped children for decades of abuse in Catholic institutions in Ireland, according to a report released Wednesday, which however did not identify the authors. Orphanages-school workshops in the twentieth century Ireland were places of fear, neglect and repeated sexual abuse, the report said. The Commission for investigation of child abuse, launched by the government in 2000, accusing successive generations of priests and nuns of hitting, harassing and sometimes raping children online Reformatory and the country-school workshops between 1930 and 1990.