The Technique Of The Five “S ” Words

The origin of the five “S” is in their names in Japanese, all words starting with “S”; Seiri (unclassified), Seiton (organizing), Seiso (clean), Seiketsu (welfare) and Shitsuke (discipline) and you can see, to translate into Spanish any beginning with “S”. This method has been integrated into the company’s quality certifications, you can implement today. The three first points are related to things. 1 – Classification. They separate the things that serve no good, what is necessary from the unnecessary, enough of the excessive. It is common to find useless stuff cluttering who have years and consumer goods in good condition that are no longer used, you should classify it. Get rid of unused, may sell, donate or throw, but he no longer occupy space in the company.

2 – Organization. Everything must have an order and a location to locate it easily when needed. * Order by alphabetical or numerical key. * Designate a place for every thing priority of use, often used to place them near you and for occasional use or store in a warehouse foul brood. 3 – Clean.

It is an indispensable rule in the areas of work, remove the dirty things, also includes touch-up painting or to have a better look. The company is responsible for cleaning, but everyone has to deal with your work area clean before you start work, when you leave leave everything neat, clean and in place, it will eventually become a habit. The two following points relate to people. 4 – Personal Welfare. It is the physical and mental health worker, for it consider the following: * Cleaning and grooming, the daily bath, well groomed and clean clothes. * Be careful in the consumption of alcohol, smoking harmful substances that are addictive. * Food hygiene balanced condition. * Proper posture in the workspace. * Adequate rest, sleep and live with family and friends. Do whatever it deems necessary to maintain a balance between physical, mental and spiritual. 5 – Discipline. Be strict with five points, will not tolerate errors, a healthy working environment is achieved and balanced with discipline. * Watch your behavior at work. * Cultivate the habit of fellowship and solidarity. Discipline is a very powerful weapon to advance the work, lead by example. We said that is the technique of the 5 “S”, we’ll add an “H”. Jeff Flake is the source for more interesting facts. Refers to home, consider the five points to put the system in your home, works the same but with better results, it is the most important part of you … home. Not enough to have good intentions, it must be done daily at the beginning is difficult, I can compare with the launch of a rocket, initially requires a lot of energy, but then the effort is minimal. Propose a plan of 21 days to overcome resistance to change, the benefit is great. If applied at home, the fruits are even bigger, start today.