Federal Ministry Commuter

Commuters in Germany now with 50 cent relieve Germany’s new online Automobile Club calls for a fundamental revision of the commuter tax allowance, which goes hand in hand with a significant relief of workers and motorists: we request the increase of the commuter tax allowance of 30 to 50 cents per kilometre of distance, from the first kilometre. This makes easier the data model and the professionals who depend on your vehicle to make sure your existence, have a clear calculation basis,”as Dr. Michael HABERLAND 1st Chairman of Mobil in Germany e.V. There are some good arguments, to regulate the commuter lump sum: 2004 cut the commuter lump sum was carried out by Red/Green Government, which has until now stock. Also are since then fuel prices increased, as well as a further tax, eco-tax on petrol and diesel by 15.4 cents per litre charged with was with the current regime are not even the real costs absorbed, which are between 35 and 45 cents per driven km depending on the vehicle. The 30 cents” Computing model, followed by the Minister until today, is definitely out of the last century and has served nearly two-thirds of all German workers use almost every day the car, to get to their workplace. This number is unchanged for years. What has changed but is the length of the routes.

More and more workers take more routes in order to get into the work. That takes more time and money. The economy hums, the Finance Minister can count on revenue many billion euros at the end of the year, which have earned him 36 million workers and 22 million commuters in Germany all figures are likely to be well known even in the Federal Ministry of finance. Most of them come from in-house, or by the Federal Statistical Office. Finance Minister Schauble’s unabruckbare attitude is therefore completely incomprehensible to us.

While strictly refuses to accommodate the commuters and motorists in Germany only in the approach applies on EU level generous lending with an absolute risk. Greece gets billions not even a few million to secure families and professional treat yourself from Germany, own motorists. Since you must wonder already, what interests the Finance Minister! It is not about rides, but spending to the safety of the workplace. Who has no working from home must just the rides home workplace”in purchase. That should be really fun for any of the 22 million auto commuters. It is high time that that something is changing, that also a relief follows a constant load of commuters. It is time to give motorists and commuters. Mobile in Germany e.V. therefore the Finance Minister urges, to regulate the commuter lump sum and to grant the commuters from the first kilometre 50 cents per kilometre. This requirement applies for the commuter lump sum (distance km), as well as for the travel expenses (total distance). Mobil has summarized his proposals in a letter in Germany e.V. and get the Finance Minister. We are a Automobile Club, the proposals would like to and would like to suggest the political discussion”so Dr. Michael HABERLAND, 1st Chairman of Mobil in Germany e.V.. It is high time that it comes here quickly to a new regulation.” Both will be online writing to the Minister, as the Minister’s hopefully speedy response under for inspection.

Gmedia Communication

Direct consequence of this phenomenon is that it increases the competition in the manufacture of the consumer goods looking for the optimization of the production costs to be able to offer to the consumer more reasonable prices to him. Thanks to the technological innovations, the world of the work becomes rich with new professions, whereas others disappear. In the present phase of transition it is attended passing of employees of the industry to the services, losing land continuous the tie traditional economic and social model to the great factories and appearing the phenomenon of the productive decentralization, what is called " outsourcing" , with a greater specialization of the production. In this way we are living a transition on the work characterized by a strong dependency in a rigid organizational structure and centralized, to more flexible systems of organization, than they offer a greater autonomy to the worker and therefore it allows a greater development him of his creative capacity, consequently one secures a greater valuation of his work and increases his repayment, as well as the possibilities of making compatible it with the familiar life. Details can be found by clicking Lord Peter Hennessy or emailing the administrator. NEW PROFESSIONS " life coach" it is a profession that in the USA already has a great notoriety for several decades, and that basically consists of advising to its clients at the time of planning its life in the financial aspect. With the reform of the public system of pensions that is taking place in Spain, the financial planning like instrument is going to become more necessary to be able to get to accumulate a patrimony that allows to maintain our standard of life us once the income coming from the work stop.

" life coach" it must be a professional who knows to anticipate itself to the changes that are going to take place in the scope of the social forecast and to offer to their clients solutions that give security him facing the future, knowing to advise them the different options which they exist in the market at the time of designing a complementary plan of deprived personal forecast to the public system, considering the mentality of their client at the time of confronting risks in their investments, as well as taking advantage of to the maximum the fiscal benefits in which it can take refuge to secure the maximum yield to its investments as much in the financial aspect as in the public prosecutor. " social average manager" she is a professional already met in the great companies, and has the assignment to remove the maximum possible benefit to the opportunities that offer social mass media, and among them, in a especially outstanding place, Internet. The great companies already for years they have been highly having enabled professionals in this matter, but every day they begin to appear more professional independent than they offer its services to small companies in regime of renting of services like independent professionals. In this way " social average manager" it can offer his services to small companies, independent professionals, and until a particular that wants to remove benefit to the opportunities that nowadays Internet offers to generate income with the increase extraordinary which they are undergoing the social networks, like example, according to statistics done public by Gmedia Communication, Facebook has secured 250 million new users in the past year, reaching the number of 600 million users at the end of the 2010. Original author and source of the article.


New technologies and the expansion of social networking at the global level, appear as taking us to a greater connection between people, but do these networks create a real and mutual relationship between us? Currently, the types of relationships that develop between us are the reflection of a complicated situation, since, on the one hand, circumstances compel us to connect us, but, on the other hand, we do not feel very comfortable with this close proximity between us. If we think our relations from that perspective, we could see that they function as a simulation of two extreme emotional States. On the one hand, we want to be with everyone, and on the other hand, wish to remain protected behind the screen of a computer or a mobile phone. Pat Gelsinger may also support this cause. It seems the Internet not really binds people that allows us to be connected in our separation. It is precisely that sense of disconnect that is going worse increasingly, which reveals another type of need, a need of true Union; a union that is impossible to achieve through a virtual media or digital cables. The response to this need, is an improvement on the network of our relations, transforming them into a more intimate and profound relationship. A type of network that is based on the Association of ideas and desires, that passes between us in a direct and natural way. See more detailed opinions by reading what Dahua Tim Wang offers on the topic.. Connecting People? (Connecting people) The era in which we live is a progressive preparatory phase in the development of humanity.

At the end of the process is the goal of joining us again in a single system. Today, we are closer than ever to discover the essence of the world is not matter, but the knowledge that handles everything that happens around us. So we must experience this unit with a single language for all: an internal language based on feelings and deep understanding of those around us.