Digital Magazines

On 2007 it founds the digital magazine, Veu (the voice of the forced ones to be silent), Magazine of general scope that in very few numbers reached acceptance levels which they exceeded all the expectations. It also realises in this year, under the directives of the teachers, Joan Antoni Alapont and Rafael Meli a course of initiation to the Valencian poetry, being this point that initiated its poetry creation in Valencian besides its traditional poetry in Castilian. Of its poetries in Valencian we will emphasize, Homenage to the Mare de Deu dels Dolors, (Tribute to the Painful one), poetry with which I appear in scopes of the Valencian poets. On 2008 it founds the digital magazine, Punts Suspensius. , Magazine of letters in Valencian language, abierta later to the poetry and to other languages and for which the fiction personage creates, Net, (the uncle of careto). Also in this year, he is co-organizer of, I Encounter of New Technologies in Valencian Language, for which it designs the announcing poster and it participates like rapporteur, with the communication; Llenguavalencianasi. com: The thematic Web on the Valencian language. In February of 2009 it participates in the factories of prosa of, the AELLVA, reading his story, the fable of Gaspar and the king.

Also in 2009 in the month of June it presents/displays before the world-wide community of poets, it rhymes Jotab, it rhymes cradle in a closed structure of eleven endecaslabos verses of consonant rhyme. More information on the Jotab rhyme, in this same Web, and the page Web of the creative poet of the rhyme. Juan-benito. com/jotabe. htm. During the 2009 it realises three conferences. The 30 of April, in Castelln, under the title, the dumb Valencia (To repopulate is to return to colonise). The 21 of May, in Valencia, under title, 2. 000 Years of Valencian language. The 29 of June, in Manises, low Poet, novelist, contributor, lecturer