Earning Money

In an interesting world we live. Before then, a couple of centuries ago a man to survive, had to build a house, till the soil, hewing enemies with swords. Still have not lived long time – 40-50 on the strength. What now? You must be able, then only one thing to do: here is a plate or eksele be there to chat with people well. That's all.

The rest buy, if you do it well At least. Only here you always want to go on and do nothing at all but only receive income and tan belly up somewhere in Monte Carlo. So I got into SEO. I decided to make a website with original content on a free service and receive from him a pretty penny. Here's what happened: the calculator. The website calculators.

Can download calculator. You can simply use a web browser. Everything was done with the expectation that someone will need it. After installation, my PPC calculators began to bring me a coin. At the moment, piled about 5 rubles! Because to get through to the consumer (nick) is difficult, I tried different methods of promotion. 1.Spam – is bad. Even feel sorry for people who get spammed guestbook. At first it seemed that the method works, then realized that there are better methods of promotion. 2. Registration in catalogs. Free chased the site in directories in test mode on autoreg.ru. Result: after update Yandex 9 matches in 6 sites in the calculator. Do not know, maybe a paid registration more effective? 3. Added calculator and ratings rambler top100 mail.ru. Result: there were indexed pages in a Rambler. In this free methods of promotion are over – wait for the results.