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There is no doubt that if they put things in perspective always seem less serious than it could seem at first. And if, indeed, if one compares having bedbugs at home, with wars and famines that there are in the world, because it seems almost a trivial problem. What happens, is that it is quite difficult to put things in perspective when it has not stuck will eye the night before. And it is that a person who fails the deserved rest is a very capable person. Demonstrated by countless studies, humans need sleep. In the same way that should satisfy physiological and nutritional needs, the man is not able to subsist without certain hours of sleep.

Chances are that you, like many others, is not aware of the amount of diseases and disorders that are directly related to lack of sleep. Fatigue is the most obvious consequence, but lack of sleep also leads to hypertension, cardiovascular disease, depression or anxiety, stress, overweight problems and disorders gastric. As well as one 10 times greater chance of having a traffic accident or at work. And what has this to do with bed bugs? Simply everything, if you have bed bugs in your home will not this question, since it unfortunately will be aware of the problem. Although bedbugs are not strictly nocturnal insect, it is truth that develops its main activity in the evening. And unfortunately its main activity is to make the impossible life of humans. Feeding on the blood of humans and other warm-blooded animals, bugs attack at night, when their victims are more vulnerable to being tired or asleep. The bite itself is not the most annoying part, but (anticoagulants and anesthetics) agents who injected in our body are those who cause us the itching and discomfort from minutes until hours after the bite.

Get rid of bed bugs is an arduous and expensive task. Arduous in the implementation of different poisons to kill bed bugs, and costly, when these means fail and one opts for pulling mattresses, sofas and other furnishings. However, when you look at the amount of diseases that can be derived from the vigil caused by these insects, it seems money and effort well spent. Perceive much publicity does not necessarily imply a discomfort: Inzona Magazine Direct Marketing last minute a parade and concert of the Quartet of Doris Cales opened the 24TH Festival de Jazz de Malaga experts dealt with different aspects of cardiovascular disease in the heart week RDi Press L the hotness Barcelona life and health walk any do you have overweight? Not be an excuse to not move