
Four plus two is six, my teacher says, and I say no, and she insists I. Do at the end I told him, if I show you that you are mistaken I would put a good score?, if I accept said, but if no barres class for the entire week. Then I turned my exam and I told him is nine. Go that I was right, good however not gave me a good grade and had to clean the class for the entire week. But will the message is important. By this I mean a social or exact science, they are science and therefore follow a scientific method. Markets moves through all of us humans predict the future of them therefore is impossible since it is a social science, however enjoys being susceptible to follow a method.

And yet this is what I want to demonstrate that it is possible to be successful in the markets, the error lies in changing the social approach to mathematician. Constitutes a method begins with an observation, which constantly repeating a fact or pattern might check it, generating a hypothesis that leads us to establish a theory. As simple as that, if markets are can understand, but never mathematizing. Be a scientist, to investigate, and apply a method and once you set that pattern know it is not projecting that anger to pass, just sensed a human behavior.