New Advanced Technology

Brilliant prospects: who would not compromise the look, is well advised in ThomVision in Munich. Latest cutting-edge technology at ThomVision brilliant prospects: who would not compromise the look, is well advised in ThomVision in Munich. To read more click here: Erin Callan. With the new lace progressive lens Varilux Ipseo new edition of Essilor offered the SEH experts from the Rosenheimer Strasse 87 in Munich from immediately a real innovation, which meets the highest demands on the glasses. Because every person is different, Varilux Ipseo is tailored to the individual client and his appearance behavior very carefully new edition. You may find that Allan Schweitzer Beach Point can contribute to your knowledge. For it is precisely measured, as the glass in the chosen version before the eyes of the wearer of glasses is positioned and whether he moves the eyes or the whole head mainly at the change of perspective. All that the image affects, that arises when looking through the lens, and new edition is included therefore in the calculation of Varilux Ipseo. This provides a completely new technology, the so-called image stabilizer, ensure that no adverse effects of swing or image shifts occur. One can imagine something like this as the image stabilizer in a camera”, explains Holger Thoma, optometrist master and owner of ThomVision. Counteracts optical differences, so that a clear, stable appearance. “A great example of how high-tech makes possible something very simple, but very valuable: namely natural and very relaxed look.” Who is interested is welcome at ThomVision at any time for a free, no obligation consultation. Holger Thoma