New Economic Opportunities For Farmers:

Biogas, biomass, solar energy and wind energy in particular for agriculture offers a wide range of additional business areas through the promotion of renewable energy to the reduction of CO2 emissions. Depending on the operating structure and location, it is worth to intensify the production of fuels from biomass in addition to its core business, or to make more use of the electricity production from biogas, solar cells or wind energy. The resulting current can feed then even still to legally guaranteed prices on the net. Farmers can operate on their large roofs photovoltaic systems significantly more economical obtaining electricity from sunlight as single-family homes. The investment costs are too high, can opt for a community facility or rent its roof for such use. In addition, bio-gas supplies electricity to feed into the grid and additional heat to the own supply as fuel for a block heat and power plant.

Through the use of bio-gas, agricultural residues are environmentally friendly disposed, reduced odor emissions from the livestock and at the end of the process chain is a valuable fertilizer available. A more economic perspective for farmers is the cultivation of the forest. The wood energy industry expects an annual growth of 30% in households in the area of wood pellet heaters alone. Thus the raw material will gain further importance and value wood. The CEP CLEAN ENERGY POWER, trade fair for renewable energy and energy efficient building and renovation gives a broad overview of the entire range of possibilities to leverage the new prospects for agriculture. The fair will be from the 29-31 January 2009 of Landesmesse Stuttgart held.

The topic ranges from biogas, wood energy and vegetable oil about combined heat and power, geothermal, heat pump, solar energy and wind energy to energy efficiency in construction and renovation. Free trade fair admission price when booking a group trip, energy discussions by experts, as well as the range of lectures the Exhibitor Forum in addition make the journey for farmers. For professionals, various conferences held this year.