Occupational Hygiene

They had been selected only diligent of the activities that generate more noise, as of the activities of welding and jateamento. The Brazilian legislation, 17.5.2 item and item, tells that the levels of 65 noise do not have to exceed db (), as well as, the NBR 10152 and NBR 10151 that the levels of 65 noise do not have to exceed dB () and 70 dB (), respectively, for activities that demand intellectual request and comfort. The study it showed that the noise levels exceed very in the values established in the norms, however the activities of the study of this work are not fit in the questions of comfort and intellectual request. However, he was detected that the workers if show bothered e, as affirms Petian (2008), as much the World-wide Organization of Sade (OMS) how much the Organization Pan-American of Sade (OPAS) recognize that the noise, beyond the auditory problems, can affect the work, the rest, sleep, the communication, to cause psychological reactions, physiological alterations and even> pathological and still, in the same line of reasoning, Gerges (2000), it affirms that the drawn out exposition affects the individual under some aspects, beyond the auditory loss, causing riots as: increase of the sanguineous pressure, acceleration of the pulsation and nip of the sanguineous vases, overload of the heart, provoking muscular alteration in the hormone secretion and tensions, among others. Analyzing of this point of view it is evident that necessary they are measured palliative or mitigadoras to treat the problem.

Among others, some suggestions of alternative measures for noise reduction can be implemented: 1) The weld equipment use that emits little noise; 2) The new equipment use, as much in the activity of welding as in the one of jateamento, such as tractor and sanders that emit little noise, etc; 3) The use of bulkheads with panels absorvedores of noise in the laterals of the carrocerias that they carry MTE. 01 NHO Norm of Occupational Hygiene Procedure Technician Evaluation of the Occupational Exposition to the Rudo.FUNDACENTRO, So Paulo: 2001. BRAZILIAN ASSOCIATION OF NORMS> Evaluation of the Noise in Inhabited Areas Aiming at the Comfort of the Community Procedure. ABNT, Rio De Janeiro: 2000. BRAZILIAN ASSOCIATION OF NORMS TECHNIQUES, NBR 10.152:1987.

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