SMEs Marketing

The information portal “Regional Internet marketing” steadily expanding its range and is complemented inter alia through a series of events in the fourth quarter. Project “Regional Internet marketing” the joint project “Regional Internet marketing” is supported by the regional competence centre ECC Stuttgart-Heilbronn, industry competence centre ECC trade and the IT Academy Mainz e. V. in the network of e-commerce (NEG). It informs about regional uses of klassischen and innovative Internet marketing tools. The Advisor “Regional Internet marketing” more free online advice service website design for SMEs, email management and newsletter systems are set up and can be contacted at topics.

The EC-M Advisory Centre of e-commerce for small and medium-sized companies from Hessen performs free site checks. The result is we discuss in detail with the entrepreneurs and passed a comprehend check Protocol. Are you interested? Then simply send an email to or call at 0641 / 309 1347 (Andreas Heine). Free site check – a small step, one giant leap for your business. (Direct link: website-check) The EC-M works since 1998 successfully because the EC-M Advisory Centre of e-commerce Middle Hesse, to promote the development of e-commerce by businesses in Central Hesse. To know more about this subject visit bobby jain. The EC-M supported targeted small and medium-sized enterprises in the region with the introduction of modern information and communication technologies.

The necessary information and knowledge often lack small businesses in trade, crafts and industry to assess the benefits of the new media for themselves. As one of 28 knots in the network of e-commerce is the EC-M direct contact person for interested companies as well as for the technology provider. The competent services of the EC-M consists of many basic services, which targeted the needs of entrepreneurs are tailored to, such as free and neutral initial information, an initial consultation about the possibilities and modalities of the use of the Internet and other networks for business purposes, the presentation of basic and advanced examples of new media in e-commerce companies.