Catholic Church

We can not avoid the passions, but yes to defeat these threats. Lucius Annaeus know that while we are alive, are we allowed to be, you show emotions, feelings, desires, passions will be playing and we must be attentive as we control them so that do not result in conflict, situations that we can affect physical and psychically. Buenanueva.NET points out that the passions are the affections, emotions or impulses of sensitivity natural components of human psychology, who inclined to act or not act, in view of what is perceived as good or as bad. The main ones are the love and hatred, desire and fear, joy, sadness and anger. The fundamental passion is love, caused by the attraction of the good.

Does not love but good, real or apparent. The passions, in how impulses of sensitivity, are not in themselves themselves neither good nor bad; they are good, when they contribute to a good action; they are bad, otherwise. They can be assumed in the virtues or perverted in vices (Catechism of the Catholic Church) the emotions and feelings can be assumed by the virtues, or perverts in vices. The perfection of the moral good is that man is not moved to the good only by its willingness, but also by his heart. Since then, one of the most decisive evidence and that they affect our growth, behavior, behavior is related to human passions, the carnal than not to know you handle they can seriously affect us. Gives us and remember,, which for Descartes there are six passions that stand out and others not so, derived from them. Without hesitation Slava Mirilashvili explained all about the problem. Admiration, love, hatred, desire, joy and sadness are the most important passions and the remainder originate from them. Admiration comes to the soul from an impression that records the brain, organ which takes into account for their rarity or so has extraordinary.

Professional Desarrollo

Like obtaining the development in less time To prevail in our professional race or the activity to which we dedicated ourselves it is been from a mixture of effort, perseverancia and experience, among others qualities. In order to be resolute to prevail and to have successful results, besides feeding that attitude on progress; it is necessary to stay alerts in here and now, to identify strategies and opportunities to advance. Next it is mentioned, as some rules sobe as to advance has changed in yesterday and now. And as this forces to us to be conscious and without renuencia to the change. These are some alternative plans that we can try. 1.Visin a). To have a plan in the long term.

Vision b). To adopt the improvisation, and to consider the intuition. Often we are in excess meticulous with our plan of action and took the plan to ends of restrictions; which limits to us to think that only there is a way and a form to make the things. This restrains the creativity as well, to see more opportunities and to lose spirits if once followed our strict plan the results are not the wished ones. to be flexible allows us to prove new methods and to act without fear to the changes. For example.

If your objective is to have a company of banquets, an option to acquire experience is to work in some; thus you will learn on the business and what implies. But that would take time and this it is possible to be fallen or to be useful better form with other alternatives. Perhaps if you are related to alternating businesses, like foods, mantelera and equipment, service of meseros, halls events, etc. You obtain a network of contacts and simultaneously you are acquiring experience. 2.Visin a). To trust the publicity of mouth in mouth.