Greek Scriptures

With the Jehnseits idea, we compensate our called reality! End time prophecies consist of scientific treatises (facts, best-worst-cace-scenario) and / or social stories (values, Hollywood, miracle). The subjective inventions from St.Gotthard (meta level nature) good and evil are believers! True and false the objective statements of down-to-Earth realists. I therefore differentiate our evolutionary future possibilities in this world and nature in protagonistisch (promoting) or contra (blocking). Origin and destination of this world and nature are unknown! Overall, the course is an autonomous accident! All knowledge and you will be subject to certainties (facts, knowledge) and assumptions/interpretations (values, Hollywood, miracle, faith). People living in the universal context: Jehnseits (believe) ancestor gods, spirits descendants tV > tG > tZ certainty > er knowledge > hope this world (knowledge) people live in the evolutionary history: will > be > pass where (authenticity, meaning) do I get? Where, who (autonomy) I am? Where do I go (benefits, purpose)? Ex-trensische life dimensions: 3-D space time: dynamic energy, 4 forces of nature people live in the earthly worlds: Naur: Management 1 order Cybernetics 3rd order = tradition, religion, politics (subjectively) In the materialism (real, virtual, lens, symbolism) life dimensions of man as suckle animal: body (H), transcendence (FI), soul (FII, psyche) and spirit (D, thinking, humanistic) instinct (H/F, animal) and intuition (H/F + D, animist) analogical thinking (right brain) and digital thinking (left brain) Pastor (many believe worldwide) and physicist (1 knowledge worldwide) moral (values, Ideeal worlds) and standards () meta Physics (good and evil) and physics/bio chemistry (bright and dark, cold and warm) nature (inductive /?, verify: prove) and Humanities (deductive /!, falsify: claim) Sciences astronomy and astrology, quantity and quality each has 5 Causes: causa materialis: material (wood, iron) causa formalis: shape (chairs, table) causa efficiens: Wirk cause (craftsman) causa finalis: purpose, benefits driving (seats) causa exemplaris: ur image, idea, model, drawing landscape > map banknote: 1000: nominal / symbolic value: 1000 real / material value: 5 people are deep inside of her constantly future fears driven by (regulation and control). Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Dennis Lockhart by clicking through. If they overwhelm him, he reacts with regression: instead of pragmatic adaptation to the objectivity he reacts with the yearning after the subjective cure world (everything is good, happy end, God’s help). This happens in the Plains: rational: their own life history gets written to a subjective sense (reason) and purpose (aim). To accept objective facts. Emotionally: The world is divided into the categories of truth against falsehood, good versus evil, right against wrong, and relative position. Irrational: World fear arouses disappointment and desire for catharsis or Apocalypse. The cleaning of the spiritually polluted world seems the only way out. It calls the divine order of course according to your needs. Optimistes, skeptics and naysayers into a conglomerate of past, present and future, realities and emotions (desire and reality): stories (values worlds): good evil (feel, pastor) stories (values) and treatises (facts): true false (think Pastor or physicist) from acts (facts): correct incorrect (Act, physicist) so notions of the eternal linear material world arise (birth) and eternal life in the divine sphere (back birth). Unsystematic, meta Physics (faith) and Physics (knowledge) are mixed in discussions and prayers! The loving and punishing gods hopefully offset the aladja inequalities in the Jehnseits again. Sectarians are not awakened by contradiction of their phantasms, but encouraged. Their beliefs are always grotesque! Three worlds theory in Popper philosophy of mind turned against the classic body-mind dualism, as well as against reductionist theories, such as the Behaviourism. He, however, a mental Division of the world into three categories proposed, namely: World 1, World 2, the world of individual perception and awareness world 3, which is the physical world to the world of intellectual and cultural levels which exist independently of the individual consciousness such as the contents of books, theories and ideas. Popper argued that all three worlds are real causal interactions could be observed, where world 2 as an intermediary between the world occurs 3 and world 1. An example is the blueprint of a House (World 3: a model in a drawing language of civil engineering), which will be understood by a human (World 2: awareness of the architect) and is then implemented in a concrete House (World 1: physical object). The House is at the same time, so in world 1 and world 3. Popper according to the classic dual separation has the difference between a conscious experience and for example, the logical content of a theory are ignored. Both become associated with undifferentiated there the mental. Although Popper 3 for a product of the human world (as opposed to Plato and Hegel’s ideas), as Popper thinks of independence and objectivity of the world 3. His own example is the invention of numbers, and the subsequent, unplanned”find the primes that already existed before people were thinking. Thus an existence is the primes, which is defined without the people, so how the existence of Mount Everest precedes his discovery. You can find a similar separation into three worlds in the classical Greece as logos, psyche and physique to the Romans as a ratio, Intellectus, and Materia, and last but not least in Kant as a reason, the mind and the outside world. Symbolism refers to a system or repertoire of symbols, i.e. sensible or imaginable meaning carriers (living beings, things, actions, operations), which from a certain culture, community or artistically or poetic oppressive person is allocated a meaning delegate about the sensually perceivable thing. The term symbolism is used particularly for symbol systems in the area of religion and mythology, art, poetry and psychology, while while talking symbol systems that primarily serve the practical understanding in everyday life, about writing systems and scientific or musical notation systems, road signs or marks in the field of fashion and advertising, in a broader sense by symbols (in the meaning of signs), which system or repertoire but usually not referred to as symbolism. The same meaning may vary depending on the context both in a system of symbols to the practical understanding as well as a symbolism in the strict sense meaning take, such as the Greek letter Tau (T), which on the one hand in the Greek Scriptures a certain phonetic value and alphanumeric using one from the position in the alphabet represents derived number value (300), but in the context of Christian letter symbolism through its Visual shape as interprets the figure of the cross of Christ, or due to its number value on other religious content related. If there is talk about the symbolism of a certain importance carrier (such as symbolism of the tree) or a whole class of important carriers (such as plant symbolism, color symbolism), so the special nature of the characters is meant within a certain system of symbol (symbolic) and/or the range of their meanings (symbolism). Moral usually identifies the de facto patterns of action, conventions, rules, or principles of certain individuals, groups or cultures. So understood, the expressions of morality, ethos or tradition are largely synonymous and used descriptive (descriptively). In addition, also an area is associated with speech of morality of practical judgments, actions, or their principles (values, goods, obligations, rights). A distinction thus understood by moral and immoral is not descriptive, but pricing (normative). A moral evaluation can subjective approval or rejection are seen as mere expression (similar to applause or boos), especially in the assessment of actions whose maxims or other principles are considered morally good or morally bad. Therefore, morality in the narrower sense referred to the subjective angle, custom or morality in the broader sense, or different, but considered correct ethical maxims, to follow. In this sense, commitment or special discipline within a group is referred to as moral. Positions, representing a meta-ethical realism, assume that the moral or value of an action, a world State or an object can not be reduced to their subjective rating. The theoretical development of different methodological approaches and criteria of moral judgments and feelings are the subject of the philosophical discipline of ethics. As a norm or set of law or legislation refers to either a law or a regulation issued on the basis of the law generally abstract nature. As it for a Number of items is, it is abstract; It is generally due to the effect of a large number of people. The concept of the rule of law is defined in the jurisprudence differ widely. Subjectivity (lat. “Unterworfenheit”) is the property that distinguishes a subject from an object in the original sense. As this property is to contain, is controversial in philosophy and science since ancient times. In the derived sense is subjectivity to the relationship of a subject to its environment, which is not objective. In this sense, subjectivity in the natural sciences is usually regarded as failure and tries to avoid. The realization value of subjective and subject-oriented qualitative research methods, however, is widely acknowledged in the social sciences and psychology. Source, (C) by: the subjectivity of cognition (true perception and reality construction) is a multiple sub systems. While everyone is trying the implementation by the inaccurate images of many religions and Imponderables of everyday life into a kind of theory, on the basis of perfect equations and numbers with success guarantee, to achieve. If necessary, you changed his thoughts and his behavior still weighted vote of the gods. Just the thought of one could influence his fate (God’s will) and his Providence (God’s plan) is unbearable. Finally, everyone wants, if not here on Earth, then at least when the final judgment be a winner! Copyright 2012 by Wolfgang Schwalm, all rights reserved!