Textile Industry

Fashion also is science: its application in the Textile Industry. Fabiana Castoldi Rech Nile Alberto Scheidmandel SUMMARY the present article makes a stroll for the textile area, making to reflect us on the proportionate benefits for the research and the scientific development in this sector, leading in account the search for the support and the respect to the environment. It presents reasons to thank the science of the materials for its applicability aiming at to facilitate our life. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: textile, staple fibres, corantes. 1.INTRODUO First the man felt necessity of if protecting with skins of animals, later started to use them as form of status and differentiation between peoples, sex, social classroom. In this time one also gave to the discovery and the development of natural fabrics as the wool, the silk, the cotton and the hemp. The fiber of the cotton already was used for the Egyptians in 3400 B.C., however it only started to be used in industrial scale from 1793, when the first peeler appeared of this material created by Eli Whitney.

In the end of century XIX the deriving synthetic fabrics had also appeared of filaments produced in laboratory. (Textlia Magazine, 2006, P. 187-188) the group of synthetic fabrics is divided enters modified natural staple fibres, produced from vegetal elements, as the cellulose, having as classic example the viscose; the originary synthetic staple fibres of petrochemical materials, as the nylon, the acrylic and the polyester. After some years dominating the market, the natural staple fibres had been losing space for synthetic staple fibres. But the great one drawn if gave in the junction of these materials, uniting the comfort of natural staple fibres with the praticidade and durability of synthetic staple fibres, after all likes it soft touch and it proportionate comfort for the cotton, but we adore to be able to dress the clothes direct, without needing to pass, and must this its junction with the polyester.