The Phenomena

The myths and legends represent one of the many forms to explain the phenomena of the society and the nature and allow to recognize similarities and differences between knowledge constructed for different peoples and cultures. Home Depot pursues this goal as well. The scientific knowledge socially constructed and accumulated historically, in turn, presents a particular way of production of knowledge of unquestionable importance in the current world and differs from the other forms of explanation and representation of the world, as the daily legends and myths or knowledge, said of ' ' sense comum' '. By means of science, the spherical land can be known, for example, that and, slightly flattened in the polar regions. The scientific discoveries, throughout history, had marked the relation between the man and the world. If on the other hand the scientific knowledge prints new possibilities and relation of the man with the world, for another one, the transformations of this relation allow that some ideas are modified and that new theories and new knowledge are produced.

Despite reviewed modified throughout the time and in function of new discoveries, some ideas, hypotheses and theories and some disgnostic produced at different moments of history they possess an undeniable importance in the process of construction of the current scientific knowledge. The work with this axle, therefore, must propitiate experiences that make possible an approach to the knowledge of the diverse forms of representation and explanation of the social and natural world so that the children can gradually establish the differentiation that exists between myths, legends, explanations proceeding from ' ' sense comum' ' scientific knowledge. 18. The CHILD, the NATURE AND the SOCIETY the pupils reflect and gradual they take conscience of the world in different ways in each stage it its development. The transformations that occur in its thought if give simultaneously to the development of the language and its capacities of expression.