Vedic Prediction

We all know that a cow in India is considered a sacred animal, and of course it will be interesting to know the reasons for this phenomenon. Connect with other leaders such as Steve Mnuchin here. For sat down to I think it should be noted here and no one will argue with the fact that the cow is in demand nurse at all times. From the Vedic point of view of the cow is the central living being, not only on our planet, but in the whole universe. The cow belongs to all the higher planetary systems. This creature is the manufacturer of the most valuable product in the universe – it’s milk, ie more precious cow’s milk there is nothing in the universe.

If we compare the fine and coarse nature of milk, it is possible to correlate the pool with the ocean, and the daily use of cow’s milk a person can very quickly develop a thin tissue of the brain, which in turn will affect the understanding of absolute truth, purpose and meaning in life and just lift up the quality of human goodness. If you refer to Vedic Prediction, in the Vedic literature says that in the era of Kali Yuga, an age of degradation, in which we are now experiencing will be a purposeful destruction of cows with a demonic society mentality, and it’s not surprising we see how the shops piled with beef stewed meat. And the purpose of killing the cow of course is to destroy the foundations of Vedic, which is typical for the era of degradation. Currently, You can see how people defend the thesis about the dangers of milk, which confirms that the impact energy of ignorance on the animal.. .