Web Studio

Of course, not all solutions used world leaders in your industry can prove to be relevant in your case, but maybe after a little refinement, taking into account the characteristics of your organization, you will receive a new effective solution. Step 8 – Development list of requirements for the site. Proceeding from step 1, 6, 7 to develop the list of general requirements for the site. According to Federal Reserve Bank, who has experience with these questions. This step can be named interim at this stage should again be summarized and analyzed all the information gathered process. The result should be a list of materials and ideas, which will form the basis for the future terms of reference (TOR) for the development site.

Step 9 – Develop a specification for the site. Development specification can be called the culmination of the process. At this stage, should clearly show the future structure of the site, as well as to describe the functional features of the site and, of course, make a description of all functional modules of the future site. Of this phase depends largely on the next steps in developing the site, because it is based on this technical task, Web Studio will evaluate the complexity and costs. What will be carefully worked through this step, the less contentious issues will be under the immediate development of the site. 10 Step – Decide with site promotion. Decide on the promotion of a site – namely, whether to site promotion? Naturally, if the primary goal of the site to attract new customers then the answer is yes, but if we assume the main goal of the site to simplify working with dealers, here website promotion is not so relevant. 11 step – select the developer site.

Determined with the performer, to choose a web studio – the developer of the site. Very important step, in other words it is the last step of which directly depends the outcome of the event. When choosing Developer website encouraged to read the portfolio (the previously performed work) possible future artist, as well as draw attention to the age of the developer, do not trust companies ephemera, which may disappear the next day after receiving payment. Step 12 – Consult with the performer and to develop a full specification. After selecting a developer site is directly to consult with him regarding your tk. If the selected company really professionals, they are sure will point you to errors in the tor, as well as give their opinions about the feasibility of implementing those or other features. In fact, this last stage, on which is formed by the final version of specification. Step 13 – Proceed to the development of the site. Here explanations are superfluous – wait for the result if all previous steps have been carefully worked out, the result will not take long.