Brazil: Products and Services

Depending on the places for where they go, many Brazilian tourists use to advantage to make purchases of mark clothes, of products with raised technology or any another product. This action is explained by the fact of the products and services, in other countries, to be, generally, cheaper. Why it will be that this difference in the prices exists? Many aggregate factors form the reason of price increasing of what it is offered. We can detach as being main of these factors high Brazilian tax burden, that is, the high value of the charged taxes, they are federal, state or municipal. To pay more expensive could be compensated by the fact to gain more, however it is not this that we see in Brazil. Another possible compensation for the high taxes could be the return of these values in form of bigger quality in the services offered for the government to the population.

Also it is not this that we see. For the opposite, many times, citizens with financial conditions have to pay for particular schools, accord doctors and still, in certain cases, for private security. Beyond if paying as many taxes, still he has the necessity of if supplying the lack of governmental support. In countries as Denmark, Sweden and France the tax burden is raised, however, the population receives, what in exchange for paid, public services of quality. The argument of that the public expenses are raised the point to justify these valuations seems vacant if a country will be being managed well. The solution for this question will be able to appear if the interested greaters (the population) if to join and only to demand its rights. In case that contrary, the tax burden tends to grow.