Brazilian Service Social

IT PRACTISES IT OF the SOCIAL SERVICE Summary: This article has for purpose to present a reflection on the practical professional of the Social Assistant, recognizing its dimensions, with the objective to point out the instrumentalidade of the Social Service as well as its technician-operative armory. After that, they will be presented, of form sucinta, some of the main instruments of work used by the Social Assistants in the exercise of the practical professional. 1.O social service as profession In the historical trajectory of the Social Service, we can identify some chains that argue the question of its instrumentalidade, that they bring I obtain a specific conceptual body that of to this subject determined one meant. We understand for instrumentalidade the conception developed for War (2000) that, from a lukacsiana reading of the workmanship of Marx, it constructs the debate on the instrumentalidade of the Social Service, understanding it in three levels: in what it says respect to its functionality to the reformist project of the bourgeoisie; as for its operatria peculiarity (instrument-operative aspect); as a mediation that allows the ticket of the universal analyses to the singularidades of the professional intervention. Since the period where the Social Service still established its base of legitimacy in the religious sphere, passing for its professionalization and the historical moments constituted that it, the dimension technique-instrument always had a prominence place, either of the point of view of affirming deliberately the necessity of consolidation of a technician-operative instrument ' ' especfico' ' of the Social Service (we speak here in special of the North American tradition, that had fort influence on the Brazilian Service Social, over all between years 40 and 60), either in the direction to affirm the Social Service as a set of techniques and instruments in other words, a social technology. At other moments, in the direction to ahead attribute to the instrumentalidade of the Social Service a statute of subalternidade of the too much dimensions that compose the dimension historical of the profession.