
The done questions to these tourists had as objective to tell the degree of envolvement of them with the stroll and the possible consequences that the same could have with the region the population autctone human being or of dolphins. Farallon Capital Management can aid you in your search for knowledge. The degree of concern of the interviewed ones was mensurado through graphs. Ahead of the displayed one, she is notable who the activity of Tourism of Comment of Cetceos executed in the Beach of the Pipe must be reviewed, be based on the support and involving all the actors of the scene: inhabitants, tourist and boatmen. RESULTS AND QUARREL? Profile of the tourists who frequentam the Beach of the Pipe Between the interviewed tourists, 68% were for the first time in Pipe and 32% were only visiting again the beach. Thus, it is possible to detect the constant coming of new tourists to the Pipe.

The constancy of new people visiting local of great tourist flow also is perceived in a study made in the Beach of the Fort – Bahia, where 80% of the tourists were there and for the first time desired to return (Alvarenga and Barreto, 2007). With respect to escolaridade of the tourists 70% were verified that possua complete superior formation, 20% had incomplete superior course and 10% had as complete degree. It is of utmost importance to emphasize that how much bigger the escolaridade level, the level of requirement of the tourist for pordutos and services of bigger quality tends to grow in virtue of the constant information that they have access, what they make to increase its critical levels concerning offered (Brasileiro and Queiroga, 2011). Questionings concerning the income of these tourists had also been made who visit Pipe and obsrevou themselves that 38% of the interviewed ones possess a monthly remuneration between 3 and 5 minimum wages, while 30% receive up to 3 wages.

Critas Work

The Associativismo and the Solidary Economy ahead of the failure of the attempts to recoup ' ' right to trabalho' ' by means of the politics of full job and in preserving the universality of the labor laws, one verified true bloom of communitarian organizations and initiatives autogestionarias as reaction the economic marginalizao and to the impoverishment of ample social sectors. In Brazil, the solidary economy makes its first appearance in the decade of 80, with the PCAs (Project Communitarian Alternative) sponsored by the Critas, of the Church Catholic, with resources donated for analogous entities of the Europe. The PACs if destined to allow that the poor and kept out of society population surpassed its condition by means of its proper collective effort. The motto of the Critas was ' ' solidarity that liberta' '. Still in this decade the MST appeared (Movement of the Agricultural Workers Without Land) that it started to occupy lands of productive large states, aiming at its dispossession for ends of the agrarian reform. The MST cheated conquests some nestings of agrarian reform, where thousand of ownership family of the land they had started to cultivate it. In 1989 national meeting of the MST it decided to adopt the cooperativismo organization of the economy in the nestings. It is common in the capitalist society that to each moment has broken of the workers the necessity of resources for the survival due to the work, situation that cause lack for its victims becomes and them disabled.

To prevent facts as these they had been allowed right for citizens without work, therefore, the social rights have as main citizen the workers who had extremely faced during much time work conditions lasts, long days, lack of hygiene among others. In such a way fights for improvements were launched, transforming manufacter organizations of workers into unions. Since the first labor move

Working With Art And Life

In the last five years I come working with art therapy and taking care of of people whom trend has the depreso, I make of simple form the work to teach the people to be useful to others, awakes the siginificado one of the life as a whole. Only being able to sevir the other it is that we serve in them. when we start to see levels of suffering of people and animals, is that we see that the life we is fortunate. As work with the power of the aromas also, it is part of the treatment the people to learn to manipulate the old tea of vov, that a intestinal perturbation not only cured, but the affection that makes to reviver the love between the people. Sabonetes aromatical, the banns that relax, and we give to value the nature, learning to recycle the oil of kitchen in soap of high quality and very perfumed. Of this form I leave resgistrado my work here and have the intenso to carry through this project of ampler form, in a mansion or inn more close to So Paulo, in the 100 maximum has kms, therefore close to the nature we can have a bigger vaso of the project, as recycling, hdrico treatment, and to value the nature with the culture of changes of plants and replantio of the same ones, therefore when decorating a vase and planting a living being that will bring joy in some environment in them is integrant part of this moment.

At last, this project in small scale has given excellent result, wants to extend, who to want to be part, and to give a new roupagem in its inn, exactly who has a mansion that little uses, can be the hour of if becoming somebody that comes to make a difference in this world. I always say for the people, I release the crutches and pantufas and work, I see the day, the sun always is born another time, and as the dawn is pretty. Exactly that it is of simple rooms, its inn or mansion can reviver you and many other aged people, young, adolecentes and, think about this contacts and me. A great one I hug to all.

Brazilian Service Social

IT PRACTISES IT OF the SOCIAL SERVICE Summary: This article has for purpose to present a reflection on the practical professional of the Social Assistant, recognizing its dimensions, with the objective to point out the instrumentalidade of the Social Service as well as its technician-operative armory. After that, they will be presented, of form sucinta, some of the main instruments of work used by the Social Assistants in the exercise of the practical professional. 1.O social service as profession In the historical trajectory of the Social Service, we can identify some chains that argue the question of its instrumentalidade, that they bring I obtain a specific conceptual body that of to this subject determined one meant. We understand for instrumentalidade the conception developed for War (2000) that, from a lukacsiana reading of the workmanship of Marx, it constructs the debate on the instrumentalidade of the Social Service, understanding it in three levels: in what it says respect to its functionality to the reformist project of the bourgeoisie; as for its operatria peculiarity (instrument-operative aspect); as a mediation that allows the ticket of the universal analyses to the singularidades of the professional intervention. Since the period where the Social Service still established its base of legitimacy in the religious sphere, passing for its professionalization and the historical moments constituted that it, the dimension technique-instrument always had a prominence place, either of the point of view of affirming deliberately the necessity of consolidation of a technician-operative instrument ' ' especfico' ' of the Social Service (we speak here in special of the North American tradition, that had fort influence on the Brazilian Service Social, over all between years 40 and 60), either in the direction to affirm the Social Service as a set of techniques and instruments in other words, a social technology. At other moments, in the direction to ahead attribute to the instrumentalidade of the Social Service a statute of subalternidade of the too much dimensions that compose the dimension historical of the profession.