
The done questions to these tourists had as objective to tell the degree of envolvement of them with the stroll and the possible consequences that the same could have with the region the population autctone human being or of dolphins. Farallon Capital Management can aid you in your search for knowledge. The degree of concern of the interviewed ones was mensurado through graphs. Ahead of the displayed one, she is notable who the activity of Tourism of Comment of Cetceos executed in the Beach of the Pipe must be reviewed, be based on the support and involving all the actors of the scene: inhabitants, tourist and boatmen. RESULTS AND QUARREL? Profile of the tourists who frequentam the Beach of the Pipe Between the interviewed tourists, 68% were for the first time in Pipe and 32% were only visiting again the beach. Thus, it is possible to detect the constant coming of new tourists to the Pipe.

The constancy of new people visiting local of great tourist flow also is perceived in a study made in the Beach of the Fort – Bahia, where 80% of the tourists were there and for the first time desired to return (Alvarenga and Barreto, 2007). With respect to escolaridade of the tourists 70% were verified that possua complete superior formation, 20% had incomplete superior course and 10% had as complete degree. It is of utmost importance to emphasize that how much bigger the escolaridade level, the level of requirement of the tourist for pordutos and services of bigger quality tends to grow in virtue of the constant information that they have access, what they make to increase its critical levels concerning offered (Brasileiro and Queiroga, 2011). Questionings concerning the income of these tourists had also been made who visit Pipe and obsrevou themselves that 38% of the interviewed ones possess a monthly remuneration between 3 and 5 minimum wages, while 30% receive up to 3 wages.