Cause And Effect – Rainer Sauer/Deushomo

Everything is in conjunction with one another, has context, even if we cannot see this for the first time. It is essential for our awareness that we understand principle as comprehensively as possible learn the cause of effect to make it can be used as effectively as possible for us. It is most important that we recognise that the physical, earthly dual level everything is cause and thus affects all at the beginning. That is, our perceptions, our thoughts, our feelings, our whole being is cause and therefore has an impact. Nicholas Carr describes an additional similar source. This parts a cause effect chain, in which perception, thoughts, feelings already from a cause resulting effect and are now in turn again to the cause of all. On top, divine level, there is already no separation between cause and effect, this neither space nor time separate things consciousness level voneinander. But with the principle of cause effect in everyday working constructively to work, we need to this first ausKlammern.

To use, we have accept once that all cause for our awareness to this principle and thus shows effects and subsequently the trial start, these sometimes almost invisible connection between the two to be found. This link is on our material level in any case, even if it is difficult for us to see them. A closer connection between the diverse phenomena which we encounter in the cause and effect chain, is obvious: our perception that distorted due to our and clouded consciousness as is condition is caused thoughts, feelings and actions, effects, distorted logically considering the incoming information qualitatively equivalent, so even distorted arranged. This means that our perception generates inconsistent, unpleasant actions and they produce, as we all know too well, unpleasant consequences. The cause of effect principle we can then use BESten to our, when we realize that this Consequences, can serve as WegweiSER as a healing serum and should.

By we complain about them not lament they criticise us for her even, or instead of its welcome and actually clear response on our inner and outer attitude alive to see them, they become our personal consultants. As it happens, after all, that our gradually clouded consciousness must have necessarily just the impact experienced by us as she are to recognize in our everyday ERLEBen. “And we, how can we be aware of us, so get the effect in connection with the cause, cast the only negative consequence to the extent we to our healing serum, to us then in adult awareness more mature” actions, thoughts and feelings to allow or to opt for the new virtuoso ways of acting, thinking, feeling. Without consequences, without an adequate result we could give us our Wahrnehmung and our subsequent action are not aware, we would not question them and we could and therefore would not change them. The impact our lives, whatever they may also look, is and remains always a non-partisan voice, which truthfully our perception, our actions, thoughts and ultimately interpreted our feelings. It shows directly on the cause of our everyday experience and thus gives us the possibility of questioning and the correction. With other WORten, our experience is effect and shows us the factors in our perception which show verantwortlich for a specific experience. We can trace the impact on their origin, their cause, and, in this case our Wahrnehmung, step by step of the reality match, which grant us therefore konstruktiveres action.