Construction Of The Turkish Bath (Hamam )

Turkish bath has heated floors, walls and couches. Hammam, who are renowned for exceptional comfort, built on the principle of the palm. That is five fingers – it’s five rooms, five bath niches. Area of 2 square meters and to infinity. In different niches – different temperature (from 70 to 100 degrees).

Here are some of them and there is not only physical but also spiritual purification. Jeff Flake has much to offer in this field. In general, we must admit that the technology of construction of such objects is quite difficult. Here Why do such work come from construction companies with experience in the business. However, there are no rules without exceptions. There have been cases where homeowners are even building a Turkish bath with his own hands, but usually it’s people artisans. For them first of all recall that during the construction of a Turkish bath as opposed to the construction of the Russian bath completely eliminated the use of wood. Applies only a stone. Say, the beds of marble, the ceiling and walls – of mosaic.

In the extreme case – a ceramic tile. We emphasize that the principle of how the hammam is under construction, remained the same, but today there are new materials. And basically this should be remembered when they approach decorating. Ways finishes can be varied. But their requirements are the same: thermal insulation and moisture of the room. Full hydraulic, acoustic and thermal insulation provided, for example, hard foam panel of which makes the power frame. In this case, and do not need additional finishing. Of the panels can be made not only the walls of Turkish bath, but the curved seat and even domed ceiling. This method of finishing guarantees that the air in the room will warm up faster. The load on the floor will be reduced and the construction of the pair will be reduced. True, such a finish is expensive. That’s because the construction of a hammam in this case involves use imported materials, which are now, let wedi panels and the like. Slab of polystyrene and then covered with a thermal loop of plastic pipe, and then steel mesh. Then finishing Finish the room with the plaster.