Eco-Fund: Eco Growth On The Fund Market

Germany has grown compared to last year to 10% of the number of environmental and green funds. While the financial and economic crisis meant the end for many funds, the shaft of the ecological Fund is next to the role. Compared to last year (2008), 10% are finding more eco-Fund on the German stock market. A clear signal that despite severe time ecological investments are further demand. According to information of the sustainable business Institute (SBI), a total of more than 300 sustainable funds in the countries Germany, Austria and the Switzerland for sale were admitted in German-speaking countries. After all, with 27 Fund around 10 percent more than the end of last year. A development contrary to the trend, because overall has decreased the supply of funds in Germany in the first half to five percent, which is more than 400 funds less than 2008. In the first six months of 2009, 13 so-called green funds, have been republished, including seven stock funds, two funds, a mixed fund and two pension funds include as well as an ETF.

In addition are 22 eco Fund added that in other countries had been an admission or now take into account the criteria of sustainability. A segment with great opportunities, which has resulted in that the number of those will always continue to increase. Funds with special topics be placed now in addition to the already existing ethical and ecological Fund. But also the green funds have been eliminating some products. Since the beginning of the year, five stock funds, two pension funds and a diversified Fund were closed or there was a merger with other funds. For example, the Panda of return fund DWS, which was for a long time on the market was closed. The analysis showed that at the end of the first half in the sustainable Fund at least 25.5 billion was invested, what represents an increase of 4.5 billion compared with 2008.

The increase stems from the fact that many of the Green Fund to invest in equities, alone 17.6 billion reside in such equity funds. The performance failed different funds, which existed already at the end of last year, and amounted to a maximum plus 53 and at least at minus seven percent. It must be considered that the individual equity funds differ significantly. There are many international funds, which are very broad and downright specialized funds, which have set their focus on a particular region and certain technology or theme funds. Because the range of offers for private investors is always wider, this can lead to confusion. This fact offers the green roof fund new opportunities, of which there are now 17 different. Yet these are currently insufficient demand, run in them only a total 112 million euros. This corresponds to a volume average of six million. From this, it can be concluded that also sustainable funds in the future will be more affected by fund mergers or closures. Oliver Ganesh corner channel plus Ltd.