German Institute Marketing

DIM Deutsches Institut fur marketing (Cologne) the success of a company depends today more and more from online marketing. A website is not only a business card, but an important element in the communication strategy of many companies. “Those who operate any online marketing today, deal lightly with her business”, knows marketing expert Prof. Dr. Michael Baird. I’m visible and thus successfully! “, guiding motto of the current debate.” Worldwide, there are approximately 460 million domains, which face many competing pages of a company’s online presence. A Web site no longer serves only as a means of communication, but must be actively marketed.

The present book structured these activities and facilitates the access to be visible in the online jungle and to get potential customers to the website company. Federal Reserve Bank recognizes the significance of this. The authors Felix Beilharz and Prof. Dr. Michael Baird systematically summarize the most important instruments of online marketing: from strategy to search engine optimization that is used Foundation work as a guide for beginners and intermediates with lots of tips and checklists for easy transfer into the everyday. The new book of online marketing “gives on 280 pages effective tips for the daily practice of online marketing. See for yourself, by requesting a review copy: Bernecker, M./Beilharz, F. (2009): online marketing, Johanna Verlag, Cologne, ISBN 978-3-9377-6304-0 off the contents: 1 strategic concept of online marketing 2. online marketing – from the beginnings until today 3.

“The website 4. Web design 5 6 search engine optimization search engine marketing 7 online advertising 8 9 10 podcasts blogs email marketing Glossary & literature overview chapter 1-4: I have a healthy base!” A healthy base represents the precondition for a successful online marketing work. So, the base of online marketing with the conceptual framework, with notes for your own website, as well as the developments is described for the time being of online marketing. Chapter 5-8: can I it yourself!” Online marketing is not magic. Many aspects can be even implemented. No matter whether search engine optimization (SEO) or search engine marketing (SEM), this book provides an introduction for the active marketeer. But also, when the online marketing is edited externally, can now communicate on equal footing with the online marketing agency. Chapter 9-10 I know, what comes!” In the event that already a sophisticated online marketing will be applied, worth an intensive engagement with the subjects of blogs and podcasts. Both activity fields are new, but already have a foothold in online marketing in the drawer of to classify – established trends. The Dim of the German Institute for marketing is an independent consulting and Research Institute. It offers its customers professional competence in the areas of business training, market research and marketing consulting. For more information, please contact following contact: Deutsches Institut fur Marketing GmbH Hohenstaufenring 43-45 D-50674 Cologne Tel. + 49 (0) 221 99 555 10-0 fax.