Improve Search Appeal

Web site successful is that, as a search engine and online easy. For the popularity of the Web is important to get a huge amount of traffic. One of the main goals of the website is attracting visitors and convert them to potential buyers / customers. If your site can start the search result page makes it easier to attract visitors to your website. But to achieve top position search engine competitive challenges. Here are some basic web design tips to help you enhance the attractiveness of the search to your site: * Avoiding dynamic URL: Search Engines do not consider sites with dynamic web address when you install their ranks search system pages of results. If your site has dynamic URL then try using a static url to the main page, so that it becomes easier for search engines to recognize his engine.

* Less use of removed search engine crawlers can not read codes. If you use excessive Java-script on your site, it becomes a tough job for scanners to read through the site. If the search engine robots do not indexing your site, the search engine will not receive notification about your site recently. But if you have to use the script for navigating the site, then provide HTML navigation as well. * Restrained use of Flash: the use of flash increases the attractiveness of viewing the site, but it becomes difficult for the engine search bots to crawl Flash files. Flash-file when the site, it definitely helps to increase the interactivity of the site. But too much use of flash applications will prevent crawlers to properly access the information from your own site. If your site is designed primarily for business purposes you will need to find a balance so that stay on top of the search result pages.

* Avoid use of frames: The use of frames can not cause any interference of human users, but it becomes difficult for crawlers to read your engine page. Framing and designing a web page to another web page confuses the search engines. Pages are taken as a single page. It is advisable to avoid using frames on the home page.