Life And Workmanship

MARIO CABRAL LIFE AND WORKMANSHIP (Ana Maria Fonseca Medina) is not of my shape to graciously lantejoular the literary production of which volume knowledge, however, one more time the sergipana community of intellectuals, if rejubila with the literary production of Ana Medina. As always present in its works, the quality in the writing, the wealth of details, the metodolgico severity, is configured as indelveis marks of ‘ ‘ Medina’ style; ‘. I say style, therefore for all those that they search to know its works if come across with the mark indelvel of a odd property in the form to write. To read a work of this writer is a delight that we must make as if it delights a clice of optimum wine, must be made to the few, saboreando, feeling each word, leaving itself to lead for the literary wealth of its production. Ana Medina, in them presents its recent work, a biography of Mario Cabral where she looks for to disclose new generations to them and to relembrar for all those had known that it, as it was the life and the workmanship of Mario Cabral, or as it was the workmanship in its life. See more detailed opinions by reading what Nicholas Carr offers on the topic..

Condensed in 508 pages Ana Medina in them it presents in few flicks an sketch of this bastion of the sergipana culture, Mario Cabral, I never say condensed therefore we will obtain to translate the penalty a life, and so little, to condense and few pages as many workmanships. However, with the maestria of the intellectual magician where the least is greater that more, Ana obtains to summarize as many information when synthecizing a life and a workmanship in few words. Certainly it is the concretion of the maestria of all those that obtain to more make the least to be bigger that. The work hour in I appraise of escorreita language, presents in them of page 23 to page 311, traces of the life of Mario Cabral, sidewalk basically, in discoursing of thematic form important points of its life obeying a line of causes and effect, without for this the presentation is atrelada to a chronological severity that breaks up the direction of the presented fact. Ana in discloses a Mrio to them that many times lost in religious conflicts finds shelter in the agnosticismo, however opposing the great majority of the readers and friends, Ana it discloses a Mrio that does not say atheist.

In moving its magnificent workmanships the work of Ana in them remembers declaration as of Epifnio Dria when this classifies Mario as ‘ ‘ Pontiff of the Parnaso’ ‘ sergipano. Of page 317 – 380, the writer in them presents a select one of the works of the biografado one, allowing all that one that if comes across with this magnificent work, a sincrtica vision of the thought of Mrio Cabral. Ana in them presents a Mrio in the familiar privacy with a bias of friend and for times insider. It is not a pautado livresco work inside of the norms cold of the research, but, even so she obeys rigorously the method, Ana looked for to impose a literary touch, by the way, as in that it makes. Congratulations Ana Medina Maria, for one more time premiar the sergipana intellectuality with a serious work, worthy of that they had formed and they form this ‘ ‘ Nest of guias’ ‘ that it was, is, and always it will be, Sergipe.