Limitation Practical Theory

Free test of association of words, according to word stimulaton: Interdisciplinaridade. As data gotten from the semistructuralized interview, inferred here in this work as ‘ ‘ free test of association of palavras’ ‘ , when it was questioned what the citizens conceive as ‘ ‘ interdisciplinaridade’ ‘ , this, was represented as a divided category and in two subcategorias, nominated as: subcategoria ‘ ‘ Words related to interdisciplinaridade’ ‘ subcategoria ‘ ‘ Unrelated words to interdisciplinaridade’ ‘. In the subcategoria ‘ ‘ words related to interdisciplinaridade’ ‘ , it was distinguished subcategoria: ‘ ‘ Interao’ ‘ , in the two units where if it developed the research, cited here with codinomes: (orqudea and tulipa), this was to the subcategoria most expressive, constituted through words and short phrases as: ‘ ‘ work in team, one helping the other, dialogue, partnership ‘ ‘. Interaction Limitation Practical Theory – Dynamic Process of interaction and reciprocity Shyness, lack of comprometimento, You is not alone, was good but she was stranger. Interdisciplinaridade Each one in its activity in its specialty Create pdf with GO2PDF will be free, if you wish you removes this line, click here you buy Virtual pdf In agreement Printer Fazenda6, understands for attitude to interdisciplinar, an attitude ahead of alternatives to know more and better; attitude of wait before the consummated acts, reciprocity attitude that it impels to the exchange, that it impels to the dialogue – to the dialogue with identical pairs, anonymous pairs or I obtain exactly, in this conception, perceives that the investigated citizens conceive ‘ ‘ teoricamente’ ‘ the interdisciplinaridade as a process of interaction and reciprocity, what, when it was broken for the practical one through the group dynamics, called ‘ ‘ 1’ continues my idea; ‘ , whose objective were to work the creativity, the sincronia capacity, group complementaridade and fluency verbal.