Maximum Visibility On The Internet

The traditionally understood as the adaptation of a code and Web content, and the cultivation of external links as determinants of its relevance and, therefore, its ranking in search engine results, has been in recent years the competitive advantage Websites critical of many pioneers in the application. However, in the last two years have seen three short-term circumstances that will make search engine optimization, understood in the traditional way, in a condition to compete, but not enough: Generalization of the SEO activity: every time more businesses include natural positioning strategies both at the stage of development of their Web and in their daily management. The principles and recommendations to implement a programming code level and are now in the public domain and no longer the exclusive preserve of a few. Like any competitive advantage, it ceases to be the time that their application becomes widespread. Refining the search engine algorithms: the margin of influence on the calculation of the relevance of search engines from easily manipulated aspects as programming, code, or buying links is becoming narrower. Search engines are reaching a level of filtering optimization strategies such that the required work in this area should be increasingly more “fine” to not make mistakes as legitimization, buying text links, etc.

that search engines have begun to penalize more frequently and quickly. And the trend to incorporate users’ own criteria the results will only further reduce the margin of maneuver in areas of programming. Other traffic sources compete with search engines in the generation of contacts: with a growing role for social networking.