NCREIF Timberland

American forest NCREIF property index remains profitable and stable value of the course of the NCREIF Timberland property index has risen in the first quarter of 2011 to 0.75 per cent and has thus continued its long-standing upward trend after an economic crisis-related smaller decline. As an American forest investment index of NCREIF Timberland property reflects index the value development of a very large number of woodlands owned by institutional investors, mainly pension funds. The abbreviation NCREIF”stands for the first letter of the”National Council of real estate investment fiduciaries”an Association of institutional real estate specialists. The NCREIF Timberland property index is calculated on a quarterly basis and is publicly available on the NCREIF homepage. Forest ownership is worth: NCREIF 14% increase in value each year and very low volatility historically American or tropical forest investments were extremely lucrative, as shown in the development of the NCREIF Timberland property index: since the first Publishing of NCREIF Timberland property index in the year 1987 he recorded an appreciation of more than 14 percent annually. While the NCREIF Timberland property proved index compared to almost all relevant indices especially in the last decade much more productive. Far more important however is the extraordinary stability of the value of forest investments.

So, the NCREIF-Timberland property recorded a single year with an also only light negative value development until 2009 in over two decades index. Tree growth is a natural compound, which ensures a constant increase in value. This forest investments significantly different from other investments in tangible assets such as gold or land. The great inflation dangers by the extreme global public debt and the global strong upward trend in commodity prices make these investment opportunities nowadays particularly attractive. Timberland property index for more information about the NCREIF find outstanding value and high stability under of the Forest investment index, NCREIF also meant that major foundations in the US universities of Harvard and Yale each billions of dollars invested in forests.