Organizational Behavior

The Human Talent this conformed by people who most of their lives dedicate it to the Organizations in who carries out. These Organizations cannot process their products and/or services without the collaboration of the Human Talent. Without concerning the type of Organization or its trade name, they require of the people to arrive at the goals that have settled down, therefore, the Organizations and the people depend to each other to be able to subsist, is created then a system, that is going to vary of Organization in Organization and the Human Talent it integrates that it. At present the people are seen like collaborating partners or of the Organizations, with the vision and the mission to take them to the success and to the excellence. The reciprocity between the Human Talent and the Organization is obtained with economic incentives, independence in its workings and being active people in the decisions that can assume against the activities that they develop. Also following the socioeconomic package that benefits the personnel, these will have a greater identification with the company and its climate organizational. The interrelation between Organization and Human talent is seen as a system that allows to confront of contingencial way the different situations by which it will cross the Organization. From this perspective the environmental factors external interns and of integral way and the processes can be distinguished conform that it.

The integral system of the Human Talent this conformed of the following form: – Social Behavior, from the optics of the organizational behavior, takes the social level like point from analysis. – Organizational Behavior; from the optics of the individual behavior, this visualizes the organization like a whole that interacts with the atmosphere. – Individual Behavior; from the optics of the human nature, one contextualises the human motivation, the learning and the human behavior. The named levels, sometimes are superposed, due that are aspects that are common to all. The interaction between Organization and Human Talent, acquires amplitude and dynamism. The Organizations with futurist vision have concept to try to the Human Talent of open and comprehensive form, that allows to the professional development and the personal growth of each of its collaborators. Another characteristic preponderant of Modern organizations, is way to face great changes and transformations, economic, social, technological, cultural, etc, by that it crosses the world, that every time is but fast and unforseeable, as well as adapt these transformations to his organizational structure.