Need Advertising

Today, in times of crisis, the advertising market is experiencing difficult upheavals, the outflow of customers is the redistribution of power and priorities and a change of leadership. Advertisers are forced to cut advertising budgets. In a question-answer forum Steve Mnuchin was the first to reply. Where advertising space had been booked for a long time to come, there is a flight of advertisers and ad space is released, the advertiser thinks about switching to cheaper forms of advertising. For example, advertisers care of media advertising in the future translates into an increase in the sector of Internet advertising market. But the Internet advertising market is also experiencing a shock, in particular reduced income banner hits, it becomes less and the number of contextual ads, some clients refuse to search engine promotion. Brewing question: what to do? Despite situation, the effect otreklamy remains the same, it also creates demand, promoting goods and services. In considering the success of business in general, it makes sense to talk not only about the effectiveness of advertising, but also about effectiveness of the overall company strategy, which includes pricing, and marketing issues, and management, and advertising. The crisis has also caused problems at the level of sales of goods and services.

In addressing these issues an important role plays a competent campaign. In a crisis, brand power has ceased to be a key indicator when choosing a product, because the consumer’s attention has shifted to cheaper goods. In each price group formed by two segments: segment Cheap Non-Branded Overstock products and brands segment of medium and high price category.